A Ritual For Good Fortune

You will need: a clean white cloth, one blue candle, one green candle, one dark-blue candle, one red candle, one yellow or gold candle, incense, and a bowl of clean water

To begin your rite, consecrate your sacred space by circuiting the altar clockwise.  Take your water bowl and, starting from the back of your altar, walk clockwise in a complete circuit around it, sprinkling water on the ground as you go.  You can use these words of blessing:

O great gods and gentle goddesses of the land of Khemet.  I make this offering of water to prepare a temple for your worship.  May this circle be a barrier that no evil presence or thought can break.  I do this in the name of Maat.  May my voice and intention be true and my heart pure.


Return the water bowl to the altar and take your incense burner and process around the altar as before, holding it up to allow the incense smoke to consecrate your sacred space, saying:

O great gods and gentle goddesses of the land of Khemet.  I make this offering of incense to prepare a temple for your worship.  May this circle be a barrier that no evil presence or thought can break.  I do this in the name of Maat.  May my voice and intention be true and my heart pure. 

Return the incense burner to the altar.  Stand facing the altar, open your arms out at shoulder height, your palms facing the altar, and ask out loud for the blessing of the gods:

I perform this rite in the names of the Ennead of On: Atum-Re, Shu, Tefnut, Nuit, Geb, Isis, Osiris, Nepthys, and Set.  May they and their heirs:  Horus, Bast, Anubis, and the Sons of Horus, be favorable unto me.  May my Divine Father Geb be my foundation; may he be strong beneath my feet.  May my Divine Mother Nut be my protection; may the arch of her body shelter the universe.

These words will focus your mind on what you are asking of the gods, and make your request more sincere.  Now address your thoughts to the gods and ask that they bless you and your endeavors on the day in question.  You might say something like:

Gracious Goddesses and Gentle Gods who rule the universe.  I ask your blessing on {date} when I must perform the difficult task of {state your purpose}.  Help me to perform this task, drawing on your energy and strength.  May the time be favorable to me and mine and may fortune assist me.

Now meditate for a few moments on the day to come.  Visualize yourself completing the day successfully with no obstacles or problems standing in your way.  Finally, address the gods once more to thank them for their blessing.

Hail to you, O Great Ones, according to your names--children of a goddess, who have come forth from the sacred womb, lords by virtue of your mother, who do not know the necropolis, the place of death.  Behold, may you protect and save me, may you make me prosperous and safe; for I am a servant of the gods and my love is with you forever.

To end your rite say:

I thank the great gods and gentle goddesses of the land of Khemet, for their presence in this temple of life.  As your force and power return to the cosmos, may your eyes open, ears, and hearts be favorable unto me. 

Extinguish your candles and return to the everyday world.  Place your candles somewhere where you can light them for a period each evening until you have reached the day for which you seek blessing.