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Meeting Role: General Evaluator

Contributed by Brad Weyers and Jesse Black


The General Evaluator runs the evaluation portion of the meeting.

Before the meeting:

  1. Confirm that each evaluator is prepared to evaluate the speech based on the objectives listed in the speaker's manual.
  2. Confer with the President, Toastmaster, and Ballot Counter to agree on who will present the awards.

During the meeting:

  1. Observe the entire meeting for commendable things or things that could be improved.
  2. Explain the evaluation portion of the meeting for the benefit of any guests.
  3. Call on each evaluator to evaluate their speaker.
  4. Call for the Timer's report, Grammarian's report, etc.
  5. Comment on Toastmaster's performance, each evaluator's performance, and on the meeting as a whole.


  1. Be generous with positive feedback, be judicious with negative feedback. Remember the objective is to help all members improve, not simply to point out flaws.