Jason's Astounding

Here's one of my high school graduation
pics.  At the time I had long hair and wore
glasses.  Now I have short hair and contacts.

The Story So Far...

Well, currently I'm a Sophomore at The University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati,
Ohio.  I'm majoring in Industrial Design in the College of Design, Architecture, Art,
and Planning; affectionately (or not so affectionately) known as DAAP.  Last year I
started my Freshman year in engineering, but soon found that advanced calculus just
wasn't quite as entertaining as most of my professors seemed to think.  So by Christmas I was ready to transfer, and since I was already interested in Design, I went there.

I lived in Delaware, Ohio, until I was 9, when my familiy moved to Bellefontaine,
Ohio, where I still live when I'm not at school.  At home I live with my parents, my sister, Anne; two cats, Kitt and Harley; and one huge dog, Kobi the Saint Bernard.  I also have about a zillion hobbies and interests, some of which include running and other sports, reading (especially Sci-fi), writing, listening to music, computers, cars in general and Fieros in particular, Battletech the board game by FASA, and of course spending time with my friends when I'm not too busy with homework.  I also seem to be spending a lot of time on the computer talking with my friends. I'm on AOL Instant Messenger occasionally, user name couchboy78.  You can also reach me at couchboy78@hotmail.com and at tuttlejj@email.uc.edu.

A while back I was into acting.  I did quite a few plays in high school,
and even got a guest role in the original Star Trek.

In this scene I was trying to calmly solve a perplexing situation, while Captain
Kirk was, as usual, getting all histerical on me.  Eventually I saved the day,
but the studio insisted that my scenes be cut for commercial time.  So
that was pretty much the end of my acting career, except for a couple cameos
here and there.  Maybe I'll be able to find some footage and add it here.
