"In Germany, they first came for the communists,
And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Catholic.
Then they came for me --
And by that time there was nobody left to speak up."
Pastor Marton Niemoller

Last Updated November 28, 1999
Is it true?! Could it possibly be real?!
Yes everyone, it's true...
After a long but productive stint with Geocities,
Stones in the Snow is moving onto greener pastures.
You will be able to find us now at:
During our move and possibly for a while after,
This page will be left up for those of you who
are looking for us.

Goddess bless and we hope to
see you all in our new home.

Merry Meet,
I am Eira.
Founder of the Stones in Snow Cyber Coven.

The mission of this coven is to promote Wicca on the web,
And to give ALL Wiccans a place to share their
beliefs and talk among their peers.

So much is misunderstood about our faith
and we would like to help you understand us better.
This site is a combination of coven and personal beliefs.
Not all coven members share the
views stated within my commentaries,
All of us here are individuals.
We share the common goal of making
others aware of our existance and our beliefs.
To continue on and learn more about Stones in the Snow,
Enter the Coven

If you are new here and are
interested in learning more about the
Wiccan faith and practices please join us here.

Our Coven Newsletter,
Published just before every Sabbat.
We welcome you to come and hear what
our Coven has to say.

If you are looking for my commentaries
about Women's Rights and would like to
hear what I have to say, you are
more than welcome to enter my Feminist section.

The following are my links to other sites,
they are neatly put into sections to
make finding what you want easier.
This link will also take you to where you
may apply for my awards.

Here are a listing of ribbons and other such logos
that will lead you to sites the need your support.
Remebering those less fortunate than us brings a
certain degree of reality to our own existance and
gives us a reason to live our own lives to the fullest.

Have a message for someone special?
Do you have a mentor,
a family member, or friend
that you want to show appreciation for?
Go to The Wall and leave a message!

Who I am

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

The Site Banner:

You can Eira at SnowStones@Hotmail.com

Awards that I am so proud of!

Children Are Worth Saving Web Site

Our Disclaimer
Stones in the Snow Cyber Coven © 1999, 1998

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