Red Bud, Illinois  62278
The Geocities Webpage has been limited lately because of increased traffic.  If you can read this message, you are one of the few lucky ones to get through.  Also, the domain name "" is not functioning at this time.  The company or "host" was hacked and lost everything. Proving once again no one is exempt from these problems.  I am trying to restore the domain name AND change the location of our home page.  The new home page is up an running, but you need to click on the link below and bookmark the new homepage location.  When I get the domain name straightened out, I will post the news on both of these websites.  Until that time I hope you take the time and trouble to find our new web site.  Eventually I will completly abandon the Geocities site in favor of my new location.  Thank you for your understanding in this matter.  The new website is