
Since the ancient times people started the agriculture to become as food independent as possible. To help their plants they used mostly water transportation techniques for watering the plants but also some machines like Heron's pressure machines to putt off the oil of the olives. But we have something more impressive.

During the roman times have been used a multiple harvesting machine. A glyph with its shape has been found at France among other roman ruins.

Remains of some agricultured plants have been found to be up to 11.000 - 12.000 years old. As you understand the agriculture is probably much older but the products it is very hard to last so many years.

The wild American cotton has 13 small chromosomes. The European one has 13 big chromosomes. At Peru, close to Ouaka Prieta has been found a kind of cotton since 2.300 B.C. It has 13 small AND 13 big chromosomes. Is it the first known hybrid?

The looms were used almost from all the known civilizations, in different versions according to the local needs and culture. But the looms at Peru are very similar with the looms at Egypt. They both have the same 11 parts!

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