Democritus describing the structure of the matter came to the conclusion that the smallest element was the atom. Atom in Greek means that it can't be cut, or divided more. Describing the centre of the atom named it 'pirin'. The meaning in Greek comes from two words pyr (fire) and ein (is)! He found a very interesting way to describe what could be found inside the atom if anyone dares to divide it!
Today we are trying to find a safe way of using that power playing with the fire... Maybe we have to learn from our mistakes what Democritus told us. The atom has more parts but don't divide it because inside there is fire!
On the Indic ancient scripts someone named Aouloukougia describes something that only today can be understood, matching the theory of correspondence the atomic structure of the mater with the solar systems, and the relativity of the space-time, cosmic rays, universal gravitation etc. And all these from the 8th century B.C.
Another interesting part of the Indic ancient scripts describes something that reminds us of an atomic bomb explosion. On some place of India there are unusual high reading measuring the nuclear radiation.
On some ancient Sanskrit manuscripts there is described an explosion during a war that it shined like 100 thousand suns! This weapon was burning elephants, horses, humans and vehicles with invisible fire. It was causing drop of the hair and nails on the humans. The feathers of the birds were becoming white, their legs red and they were becoming blind. The soldiers were running to wash themselves trying to avoid the deadly effects of the weapon.