Opening day letter to parents


September 1998


To: Parent or Guardian

From: Ms. Zolnowski, English Teacher

Re: Classroom Policies and Procedures


Dear Parent or Guardian:


It is my pleasure to inform you that your child is enrolled in my English class this year. The attached sheet spells out the policies and procedures that will be followed in class. Please take the time to review them with your child. After you have reviewed this please sign and return this form with the information requested. This will help me to stay in contact with you through the year to report on your child's progress.

I look forward to a challenging and productive year as your child's teacher. If you have any questions regarding the attached sheet or anything else about the course please feel free to contact me.




Lisa Zolnowski


Information Summary: for school use only


Student's Name: _____________________________


Parent/Guardians Full Name Daytime Telephone


1. __________________________________ ________________________


2. __________________________________ ________________________


Fax#: ____________________ E-mail address: ________________________



last updated 7/28/98

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