Delicate Strands of Friendship

Hey Hanson fans and welcome to my first Hanson story, Delicate Strands of Friendship! I hope you enjoy the story! In the beginning it might start out bad but hopefully toward the end it will get better because I've found that as you write, you get better! This site will be updated often so please check back regularly!

Hey guys, I'm really sorry bout all that confusion earlier. I used all my disk space on Personal Publisher so for a while there it wouldn't let me update a site at all! Finally I deleted some files and it let me. I moved it to geocities so now I have LOTS of room to work with! Thanks for all your helpful tips and concern!


I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've just been soooooo busy lately! I hardly have time to get online, much less finish writing this story which is no where near over. So I have an idea. I'm going to find someone who can kind of help me. We will like collaborate together for new chapters, they will give me their ideas of where they think the story should go and I will give them my input and then they can write it. Mostly it will be them writing it but I might put in a chapter here and there but I will have a big say in what they write since it is my web page and it is my story and characters and I have a weird sort of bond towards them LoL. Are you guys getting this? Sorry if I'm confusing you! So if you are interested in being the Co-writer with me e-mail me at I would prefer if it were someone with writing experience. Send me a link to a story you have already written if you have one and also tell me what you think should happen in the story. I'm looking for creativity here, not just plain old boring, boy gets girl thing. Then send me a short passage of a scene in the story. Like if you think Taylor should get cancer, send me a paragraph where he goes to the doctor and finds out or something like that, you get my drift. Whatever you want. Just so I can see what your writing is like. Well anyways I can't wait to get started! PLEASE E-MAIL ME ASAP IF YOU ARE INTERESTED! Thanks!

If you have any comments or questions feel free to e-mail me!

Read the disclaimer first!

The Disclaimer!

*******************The Chapters!******************

Chapter 1: Taylor's hair and One Long Summer

Chapter 2: You What?!?!

Chapter 3: Fighting Again

Chapter 4: Roses and Rejections

Chapter 5: Friends?

Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home

Hey guys, I know this may seem confusing but please don't press the home or next chapter links on the chapters 7-15, because it will link you to the old site. Just press the back button. Thanks!

Chapter 7: The Truth Is Out There

Chapter 8: Goobers And A Kissing War

Chapter 9: Be A Man, Advice From Someone Who Knows

Chapter 10: Zac's First Kiss And The New Kid

Chapter 11: Amber

Chapter 12: Chapter 12, Oh Chapter 12, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeahhhh

Chapter 13: Displays of Affection

Chapter 14: Claire

Chapter 15: Super Zac

Okay NOW you can use the home button and chapter links! Sorry bout the confusion!

Chapter 16: Jade's Creek

Chapter 17: "The Tape"

Chapter 18: Hanson's Creek

~*Last Updated: August 26, 1998*~

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