Dr. Bob's Office is intended for amusement only and in no way is meant to 1.) make profit from or 2. ) offend anyone. Dr. Bob's Office is a complete work of art and represents the opinions of the "author only". This site may be in excess of some 22 megabytes and may contain some 25 different html files excluding the many hyperlinks to other web sites. It was my intention to develop a large maze of pages for fun exploration. Since this site was designed for the PC it may not look correct for WebTV users. Also there may be a long wait for WebTV users to upload. I am going to redesign the pages soon. If you are offended by the Witchcraft Religion I suggest you do not enter. Witchcraft is generally not an evangelical religion. You have to desire to enter.  
Sincerely Your Friend, 
Dr. Bob.

Robert Psychosis