Gene Miller's Homepage
The picture above shows my wife (Ourleah Miller), me, and my Great Uncle Norb Chapp behind Le Pachis B & B in Waillet, Belgium.
We took my uncle back to the beaches he stormed during World War II.

Gene Miller's Homepage

Government/Economics Teacher

Paso Robles High School

801 Niblick Road

Paso Robles CA 93446

Hi and welcome to my home page. I'm a Social Studies teacher, Activities Director, and Senior Class Advisor at Paso Robles High School - a very cool thing because I graduated from here in 1984. I love teaching and I think I'm even pretty good at it. Maybe it's because I care about and respect my students. Who knows.....?

First, my philosophy on teaching (because everyone needs some type of philosophy!) is RESPECT! That's it. Sounds too simple, doesn't it? Respect your students as individual people and learners and they WILL learn. This respect can be shown in many different ways. Anything from meeting the students at the door and shaking their hands to creating tests that show what concepts the students learned and not what information they're able to puke out as A, B, or C. (Don't worry I'll get off my soap box in just a second.) For a last word on this I turn to Ralph Waldo Emerson in his "Prudence" essays. He said, "Trust men, and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great."

Ok, so nothing real exciting there. My wife is a model for an up and coming artist, Tina Gulotta (Don Henley, formerly of the Eagles, purchased two paintings). She is the main model for Ms. Gulotta's most recent series of paintings. You can check those paintings out at Ms. Gulotta's homepage

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