Introduction: This is a two part (or two day) lesson which involves
students using latitude
and longitude to plot earthquake data on a world
map. Both lessons take approximately
40 minutes. The first lesson concentrates
on mapping skills and reading a data table. The
second lesson has the students working in small
groups plotting very current real time
earthquake data.
Objectives: 1. Students will use real time
earthquake data to plot earthquake locations
on a world map.
2. Students will analyze earthquake patterns on a world map to discover
of the major plate boundaries.
Materials: (Day 1)
7. Introduce transparency showing data of previous
EQ and compare/contrast with class
8. Discuss and interpret any similarities and /
or differences;
Tie-In to Content Material
At this point, the plate tectonic theory may be introduced with
the following suggested sequence:
A) Distribute tectonic
plate map
B) Compare EQ data transparencies with
plate tectonic transparency;
C) Discussion:
1. Is there a correlation between where earthquakes occur and plate
2. What is a plate?
3. How and why do they move?
D) Types of fault boundaries.
E) Results of different
boundary movements - EQ, volcano, mid ocean ridge...
F) Vocabulary
D) Extension: