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I mentioned "copy and paste" regarding this new webpage editor; which brings us to our first aside (copying and pasting is a sine qua non, an absolutely necessary skill, when working on creating webpages) … the best way to copy/paste (provided you have minimal finger dexterity and are familiar with your keyboard). It's all done on the left side using your pinky and index finger.
For copy, place the pinky on the Ctrl key and the index finger on the "C" ... so it's Ctrl+C for copy. Since you'll be busy attending to other matters, you can easily feel for the "C" as it is near the end of the long Spacer key.
For paste (the pinky is still on Ctrl key), the index finger moves over to the next key which is the "V" ... so it's Ctrl+V for paste. While we're at it, "cut" is just as easy as the above. Pinky on the Ctrl key and the index finger moves one key closer than the "C" ... so it's Ctrl+X for cut. This has all become a habit by now with all my work on the computer.
To give your pinky and pointer a rest now and then (they'll be working overtime with very little extra in the paycheck), just highlight any selection and, right click on it, and chose copy. Then place the "inserter" (that's the I shaped line that your mouse creates) wherever you want to past what was copied, right click again, and chose paste. Eventually this all becomes a habit (automatic reflexes if I remember my Psych 101 correctly).
Now let's direct our attention to the actual editor window. We see the following html tags placed there by GeoCities for your html'ing pleasure; we can even use it as a template:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
Note the first tag:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
Keep it exactly like that; lower case and upper case, just the way it is. It must be case sensitive exactly as you see it. It's invisible to viewers but not to search engines.
And he writes: "Having that html tag in your page is not mandatory now in order to see a webpage, but some search engines must see it first or they will not spider a page, and when xhtml is fully out, it's really going to be necessary then." We're all standing on the shoulders of giants; what I know compared to Clint Hamilton (and a few others in that group) is miniscule.
You will notice the other tags all in lower case. Eventually, as we work with these tags, I suggest you change all the tags to upper case. Editing your documents will be much easier when the tags stand out in your html documents (easier to see). As you can see, I already changed them here on this page. You might also note that when going to the View Source of this page, you will see all the tags in upper case (easier to see).
Now what do we have here? First you see an <HTML> tag. That's the way you tell the browser that this is going to be a webpage. It tells your browser that the file contains html-coded information. Believe or not, the browser listens to you. Don't ask me how that works; it does. You will note that this tag is the first one on the page; therefore it has a closing tag on the bottom (last tag on the page). What makes a closing tag? The slash (/) as seen in </TITLE>, </HEAD>, </BODY>, and </HTML>. The slash is very important; it tells the browser that what you wanted done has ended.
I'm not going to tell you how many times I forgot to place a forward slash to end an html command. Forgetting to put in in a </center> command put every line on the page centered. There's a place for centering but that wasn't it. And forgetting to put a slash to end a </h1> command made every letter on the page gigantic. Same thing with the </font> command; every letter can be just what you don't want it to be. Again, understanding html makes it easy to correct such errors.
Living in New York City (which is one hell of a union town; nothing moves here unless the unions say all right) brings to mind the preferred order of tags. That order can be likened to union rules: "first one in, last one out" … in union lingo that's a call for seniority. Here you will note the order of the tags is also first one to appear is the last one to close, and they all come and go in that order. You will also notice that your codes (tags) go inside of brackets, with NO spaces.
Next you see a <HEAD> tag. The head element identifies the first part of your html-coded document that contains the title. The title is shown as part of your browser's window (see next paragraph). Note that the closing head tag: </HEAD> appears right after the closing title tag; the order of the tags is very important; cannot be overemphasized.
Next is the <TITLE> tag, with the title of your page inserted between the opening tag: <TITLE> and the closing tag: <TITLE>, as always, no spaces. The title element contains your document title and identifies its content. It is what shows up on the title bar (that colorful bar on top of your browser window) and it shows up on the button found on your taskbar (bottom of your browser). It is also what appears on someone's bookmark or favorites list, so choose something descriptive, unique, and relatively short. A title is also used to identify your page for search engines.
After the closing head tag, we have the <BODY> tag. It introduces the second, and largest part of your html document, the body, which contains the content of your document (displayed within the text area of your browser window). Notice that it is the second important tag coming in and the next to last closing tag </BODY> going out. Let's have a little fun at this point; we'll put our first page on the internet.
We return to the … Table of Contents … enjoy your work.
And if anything to add or correct - - I certainly would appreciate it.
Return to ... Navigator ... that's it.