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We can't show how to make a link to a second page until we have a second page. We don't have to take Logic101 to know that. We preview the result of our index.html page. If it is not what you thought it should look like, see if you can find the error in your html coding. You might use what is below as a template or guide.
I find that mistakes are usually with missing quotes, dots, slashes, brackets, etc. (usually very small html elements). Each omission would cause a different look on the page. I'm sure that with experience you'll be able to associate the symptom with the problem (knowing what's missing and where it's missing).
With this template below, you can (if you are going to copy it), substitute whatever paragraphs you want, and if you remember the alignment discussion, make changes there too. What I have below is a centering of the picture (the eyes) ... Of course; you can also use a different graphic with your own caption under it. You can always do what you want here; the page is yours. An explanation of the links is below it.
<TITLE>My Webpage</TITLE>
<BODY BACKGROUND="URL OF YOU PAGE/Bkg/tanbkg.gif" "TEXT="#003300" LINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#006633" ALINK="#33CC33" MARGINWIDTH="50">
<CENTER> <H1>Greetings from the Land of Oz</H1> </CENTER>
This is paragraph 1. <P>
This is paragraph 2. <P>
This is paragraph 3. <P>
<CENTER> <IMG SRC=Files/eyes.jpg"> <BR>
Hey you out there … I'm watching you.<BR>
I see everything you are doing.</CENTER"> <P>
<CENTER> Here's an interesting link …
<A HREF="http://geocities.datacellar.net/buddychai/Html/01.html">HTML</A>
… sure hope you gain from it. </CENTER"> <P>
Now you can if you want; (it does no harm if it's left there) remove two of the "CENTER" tags; the closing </CENTER> tag which is after "...you are doing." and the opening <CENTER> tag which is before "here's an interesting...". I suppose we can say, "when a closing and an opening are adjacent, they cancel each other out" (that's reasonable). But you say there's a <P> between them. No need to worry; with this deletion it doesn't matter.
Notice that we gave color to the link, a color different from the default blue, a color that also looks good with the background. We did all this in the "BODY" tag. We also changed the visited link color "VLINK" and the color of the link as it is being clicked "ALINK". You can change all or any combination of these attributes, all in the "BODY" tag; just be sure to leave a space between each attribute.
Now preview the page; if it looks good, I want you to put this entire editor page on your clipboard. That means right-click the editor, click Select All, Ctrl+C (do you remember we discussed that?); don't copy anything else now or you'll wipe out the material on your clipboard (just think of the clipboard as a memory, a place, that can only remember one thing at a time).
Reason I'm asking you to copy this page with its tags is that we will use what you copied as a format for the next page; we'll just remove the content between the two "body" tags. Now click "Save" and we are back to the File Manager.
Now in your file manager, click "New" … what's new? I dunno, what's new with you? All right; enough kidding around. Click "New" and another editor window opens. And here we will have to give the page a name that will register in the file manager.
We return to the … Table of Contents … enjoy your work.
And if anything to add or correct - - I certainly would appreciate it.
Return to ... Navigator ... that's it.