Buddy's Amazing Card Trick

All right, so you think it only works on number cards?
Again, mentally select any one of these six cards at random.

Do you have it? ... Good, now memorize it ... don't just look at the card.
I want you to stare at it ... become one with it ... whisper it's name.
Is it a Jack? a Queen? a King? ... stare at it.
Now remember your card ... CONTINUE ... and also the suit, of course.

Here's Sparky again ... he remembers you from the last trick.

You remember him ... our old card shark.
He's been doing this trick for years ... does he make money? ... a little.
He works Atlantic City, Las Vegas, and that Indian place in Connecticut.
Anyway, please be careful with him ... he'll take you to that wizard next.
When you're positive that you know your card, click on Sparky.
He'll shuffle the cards for you ... BUT FIRST REMEMBER YOUR CARD.
Then click on Sparky.