Sorry for the horizontal scroll ... I couldn't change the picture.
Picture was sent by Frank Gunther, my picture scout in the Clifton Park, NY.
However it's left for me to give a mini-tour, so here goes:
This is part of lower Manhattan in New York City. You can easily see what is now called "ground zero" with the Hudson River on the left, and a major part of the Wall Street section off the map but to the right. I've labled for those never to the "Big Apple" a few tourist attractions. Number one (unfortunately) seems to now be "Ground Zero" (#1), then there is the mayor's office or City Hall (#2), below that is the Woolworth Building (#3), and further south on lower Broadway, facing Wall Street, is Trinity Church (#4).
The East River is further to the east (right), Battery Park with the ferry to the Statue of Liberty is at the southern tip of Manhattan, and our Greenwich Village (one of the many neighborhoods in Manhattan) with Washington Square Park is further north. And above that are many other attractions of New York. There's 14th Street with Union Square Park (You remember the parade in Hello Dolly?), the majestic Empire State Building (without King Kong), and Broadway's theater district, Rockefeller Center, Central Park, "Upper East Side" and "Upper West Side" and museums more than you can count, stores with $3,000 handbags and $100,000 Tiffany lamps, Central Park, Harlem, and Riverdale.
And further north is the Bronx (the only part of NYC connected to the mainland), to the east is Brooklyn (that's where I live) and Queens, and to the south is Staten Island. All that, with the people, of course, is what makes New York City. Wouldn't have it any other way.
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