... Anti-Semitic Wingdings ...

Is it possible? ... Do I believe my eyes? ... Could it be a coincidence?

For many years the Microsoft Windows operating system has been distributed with a font called Wingdings, amongst many others, as standard. This font differs from most others in that its character set is not composed of letters and numbers, but small images. More recently another font called Webdings has also been added to the Microsoft Windows package. This too is comprised wholly of small graphical icons in place of the letters.

When you type NYC (New York City), and display the result in the Webdings font, you see the following:

An eye, a heart, and a Manhatten skyline: I love New York. Now that's the way we all feel about our great city, no problem, we are Webdings people. Things get even more interesting when you display NYC in the Wingdings font. Here is the result:

The skull and cross-bones, the Star of David, and the thumbs-up have collectively been interpreted as the anti-Semitic message: Death to Jews ... So Buddy says "Down with Wingdings!!!" (three exclamation marks).

This rather interesting result, may not be the coincidence that it seems. Some believe that Microsoft's font designers responsible for Webdings were well aware of what NYC spelled out in Wingdings, and purposely assigned the above symbols to the characters N, Y, and C in the new font they were creating.

Now back to Buddy's ... Navigator ... beware Microsoft.