From Buddy, the "Stress Doctor" The picture below has two identical dolphins in it. Look at it closely and you will see all the similarities; actually one dolphin is a clone of the other. It was used in a case study on stress level at St. Mary's Hospital. Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical. A closely monitored, scientific study of a group revealed that in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical; a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. If there are many differences found between both dolphins, it means that the person is experiencing a great amount of stress. Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a vacation, or see a stress specialist. Again, if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a vacation, try yoga or aromatherapy, consider massage or exercise, learn Feng Shui or Tai Chi, practice transcendental meditation or see a stress specialist. Whatever you do, just do something, but don't let this situation deteriorate where you judgment becomes completely impaired. With proper diet, exercise, therapy, and relaxation, you'll eventually see the two dolphins. I have a friend, very much overworked, who said she saw a cow. Imagine, a cow. She was helped professionally and now she sees the two dolphins. Goes to show, doctors can help. Recommend this page to a friend. If you must go back to ... Stress Doctor ... this is the way to go. |