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     The Greek Music Ring

        The Greek Music Ring is a ring that I created to help the Greek music to get known to other people all over the World (That's why it's written in English and not in Greek). So any site about Greek Music can join the Ring, even it is written in Greek or English. I don't know any other languages but if your site is in German, Italian , Chinese or whatever, I will add it to the ring. (e.g. A Site of a German fan of Dalaras).

        The Greek Music Ring will include everything that is related with Greek Music such as: 

Pebble.gif (1120 bytes) Greek Bands of all kinds of music

Pebble.gif (1120 bytes) Greek Singers of all kinds of music
Pebble.gif (1120 bytes) Greek Songs Tabs/Chords Pages
Pebble.gif (1120 bytes) Greek Songs Lyrics Pages
Pebble.gif (1120 bytes) Greek Music Magazines
Pebble.gif (1120 bytes) Everything else I can't think of  at this time

         Do you own a Greek Music Page? You can join to the ring visiting the "Join The Ring " Page. Joining the ring you will help those who are looking for Greek Music Sites, and get your Page more hits

         Here you can view a list of pages about  Greek Music.

        If you are already a member of the Greek Music Ring, you can visit the members page and edit your site's information. Find your password if you have forgotten it or view the statistics about your page and or the other ring's pages.

The Greek Music ring

This Greek Music Ring site is owned by Spyros Soldatos.

The Greek Music Ring made possible by the