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© Eva M. Snyder this page last updated 8/22/99
How I Review Non-fiction
By Eva Snyder
This is a form I developed (as an undergraduate) for writing college level nonfiction book reports.
Source Validity
- What are the author's qualifications/ credentials?
- Are they credible, trustworthy?
- Is the author speaking in their subject?
- Is their qualification sufficient to their subject?
- How reasonable, fair, balanced, objective, and reasoned are their arguments?
- Are there conflicts of interest, fallacies or slanted tones?
- What evidence is there of quality control?
- Is there a known or respected authority or organizational support?
- Who is the intended audience does the audience and purpose reflect intentions of completeness and accuracy.
Information quality.
- How clearly is the case presented?
- How accurate, up to date, factual, detailed, exact, comprehensive is it?
- How strong is the evidence?
- Are claims supported?
- Are supporting sources listed?
- Is there contact information, corroboration, documentation supplied?
- Are there sources you can triangulate (find at least two other sources that support it).
Essence of the argument
- Is the author's point of view clear?
- What are the key elements of the presentation?
- Have alternatives been offered?
- What is the nature of the evidence?
- What is the most important evidence?
Reflective response
- What did I like about this article?
- How does it relate to my subject?
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