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This page created 03/30/02
last updated 06/03/02
Wicca/Witchraft Books
These are good basic books about Wicca, for anyone who is serious about their study.
The Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches Handbook
by Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar
The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess
by Starhawk
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft
by Raymond Buckland
The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries: Feminist Witchcraft, Goddess Rituals, Spellcasting, and Other Womanly Arts
.../Complete in One Volume by Zsuzanna Budapest
Power of the Witch
by Laurie Cabot, Tom Cowan
Witchcraft: A Tradition Renewed
by Doreen Valiente, Evan Jones
The Craft: A Witch's Book of Shadows
by Dorothy Morrison, Raymond Buckland
The Craft Companion: a Witches Journal
by Dorothy Morrison
In the Circle: Crafting the Witches'Path
by Elen Hawke
Book of Shadows: A Modern Woman's Journey into the Wisdom of Witchcraft and the Magic of the Goddess
by Phyllis W. Curott
Your Book of Shadows: How to Write Your Own Magickal Spells
by Patricia Telesco
Book of Shadows
(Blank Journal) by Phoenix Publishing
The Wiccan Book of Ceremonies and Rituals
by Patricia Telesco
Witch: A Magickal Journey: A Hip Guide to Modern Witchcraft
by Fiona Horne