Do you support gay, women and minorty rights?
Do you agree that the United States Government is the spear-head of a global conspiracy to oppress people in need everywhere to keep the facist elite white male heterosexual regime in power around the world?
Then we have a new cause that needs your support!
Every day, millions of people around the world use dihydrogen monoxide (also commonly known as 'the drink', 'agua', 'evian', 'perrier' and 'poland spring'). It's so-called addictive qualities have
Despite the use of dihydrogen monoxide in British hospitals for the terminally ill, doctors around the globe insist that the chemical is not safe.
But what REALLY are the effects of dihydrogen monoxide on people?
- lack of dehydration
- hunger-supressant
- causes MINOR changes in body temperature
- used externally can spiritually and ethically cleanse the body
- promotes internal cleansing of the body's chakras
But because the chemical is so beneficial, and because there is no money in
it for all the fat rich politicians in power, the chemical is in danger of
being banned. Write your congressperson or senator, and