Welcome. I haven't worked on this in the past month, probably 'cause I've moved in with my dad...yeah, strange times. But...Steph and I are doin' good, better than we were about a week ago anyway. And I think everythings gonna be ok...no, it's gonna be good. I'm still happy as ever with her. Thanks for making me so happy babe, you did something that I didn't think even I could do. :-)

I have NO idea when this will be redone again in the future, seein' as how my mom sold the computer to her boyfriend...Hey, she needed the money. But I'm hopin' for my dad to buy one if he goes back to work...that is "IF" he goes. Life with Dad, well, that's another story at another time.

My World

Friends of a Lifetime

Shrine of David Navarro

SONGS of Choice At Time

Linking the Chain

Photographs of People...the best kind!

Writings...hey, don't laugh! :-)

When it comes to ICQ, right now I am...
{UIN #: 9666957}

Only people have been to my site! :-( lol

Sign my damned guestbook! hehe Thanks...

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This site created by Mike in part with Mike's computer. If you feel at any time to contact him, you can just email him. Thank you.