Burning Bush Cross

Welcome to
Bonkle Parish Church of Scotland

Scottish Charity Number SC006500

Wishaw Lanarkshire Scotland

Minister - Rev. Graham Raeburn


Visit Bonkle Church

 Bonkle Church

Main Bonkle Village and Sunday School site


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Other Church sites may be found at

Coltness Memorial Church, Newmains
Church of Scotland
Church Net
Kirk Web


The information and Magazines on this site are constantly being updated - check regularly, don't miss out

Thank you

Bonkle Parish Church and Coltness Memorial Church Newmains, Wishaw, Scotland, are linked charges of the Church of Scotland and are in the Presbytery of Hamilton, Synod of Clydesdale.

Religious Services are held every Sunday morning and evening which are open to all.

The Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, is celebrated three times per year in each church with additional Communions at Christmas and Easter. Babtismal Services for our children are held, as required, at Sunday morning services.

We are of the Christian Religion, believing in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Training for our youth is offered through Sunday School, Bible Class and ARC. Adult education is catered for in Bible study, house groups and Alpha classes.

Further details can be found by visiting our sites at Bonkle Church or www.bonkle.org.uk

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e-mail address for Bonkle Church        bonklechurch@yahoo.com

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