
. ...?
A Aaby, Aaron, Abbatt, Abbott, Able, Abma, Acree, Adair, Adams, Adcox, Addis, Addison, Adkins, Agee, Aghaie, Aires, Akert, Akin, Akins, Albanese, Albares, Albertsen, Albertson, Albright, Albro, Alderson, Aldridge, Aleskowitz, Aleston, Alevras, Alexander, Alison, Allen, Allensworth, Allison, Alloway, Allred, Alpine, Alu, Alvis, Alwine, Ambrose, Amburgey, Ament, Amon, Amos, An, Anders, Anderson, Andrade, Andrews, Angel, Anselm, Ansink, Ansley, Anthony, Antley, Antol, Apperson, Appleby, Applegate, Archambault, Archer, Ard, Ardnt, Arent, Argo, Ark, Arledge, Arlington, Armistead, Armstrong, Arnall, Arnett, Arnold, Arthur, Asbill, Ashby, Ashley, Ashlock, Ashton, Askew, Askins, Assay, Atchison, Ater, Atherton, Athey, Atkinson, Auber, Aubrey, Auel, Aufrance, Austin, Autry, Avera, Avery, Avino, Axton, Aydelotte, Ayres
B Baas, Babcock, Bable, Baca, Baccinelli, Bache, Bacus, Bagg, Baggett, Bagwell, Bailey, Baileybaley, Baker, Balas, Balcom, Baldree, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Ballas, Ballenger, Ballew, Balzen, Bambarger, Bancroft, Banes, Bankhead, Banks, Banta, Bantum, Barb, Barbley, Barbuto, Barden, Barefield, Barfoot, Bargabos, Bargainier, Barganier, Bargar, Barger, Barker, Barkley, Barkman, Barnes, Barnett, Barnicle, Barr, Barrett, Barringer Or Baringer, Barrow, Barry, Bartlett, Bartoletto, Barton, Baskin, Baswell, Bates, Battie, Baty, Bauer, Baugh, Baughman, Baumann, Baxter, Bayer, Baylor, Bays, Beacham, Beadles, Beal, Beall, Beam, Bean, Beane, Beard, Bearden, Beasley, Beaton, Beatty, Beaty, Beauchamp, Bechman, Beck, Becker, Beckett, Bee, Beech, Beene, Beers, Beers Bears, Begier, Behm, Beidle, Belcher, Belczyk, Bell, Below, Belt, Benadict, Bender, Benefield, Benner, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Benyi, Beorgia, Berdahl, Berger, Bergin, Bergstrom, Bernard, Berndt, Berry, Bertet, Best, Betsacon, Bevard, Bevington, Bezanson, Bibb, Bidleman, Bill, Billings, Billingsley, Billingsly, Billotti, Binkley, Binnum, Bird, Birdsong, Birznieks, Bishop, Bisping, Bissey, Bittinger, Bizup, Black, Black Hatch, Blackler, Blackman, Blackmer, Blackmon, Blackston, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blaine, Blake, Blakeney, BlakeR, Blanc, Blanchard, Blanco, Blankenburg, Blankenship, Blanton, Bledsoe, Block, Blodgett, Bloom, Blount, Blue, Blum, Blunt, Blythe, Board, Bobbitt, Bobler, Bobo, Bodiford, Bodine, Boehmer, Boese, Boise, Bolden, Boles, Bolin, Bolles, Bolter, Bolyard, Bond, Bond-Brandt, Bonds, Bone, Boney, Bonner, Bonnet, Bonnett, Boone, Booth, Borden, Borders, Boring, Borries, Bose, Bosley, Bostater, Bosti, Bostick, Boswell, Bosworth, Botkin, Bottchetti, Bouchard, Boucher, Bouf, Bouler, Bounds, Bourque, Boutwell, Bovey, Bowdy, Bowen, Bowers, Bowman, Bowne, Bowron, Bowton, Boxtel, Boyce, Boyd, Boyde, Boyer, Boyles, Brace, Bradberry, Braden, Bradley, Bradshaw, Braham, Bramley, Brammer, Branam, Branch, Brand, Brandmeier, Branthaver, Brantley, Bratton, Braun, Bravo, Brazelton, Brearty, Breedwell, Brennan, Brennen, Breslin, Breth, Brewer, Bridges, Briggs, Bright, Brightwell, Brillhart, Brininger, Briones, Briscoe, Brister, Britt, Brittain, Brittan, Brittian, Brittingham, Britton, Bro,ja;;, Broadhead, Brock, Brocklin, Brockman, Bromall, Bronson, Brooke, Brooks, Brookshire, Brotherton, Broughton, Brown, Browner, Browning, Brownlee, Broyles, Bruce, Brueck, Brumbaugh, Brummit, Brunson, Brussard, Bryant, Buchanan, Buckalew, Buckalew Stephenson, Buckalew Taylor By Adoption, Buckalewdewitt, Buckhault, Bucklew ?, Buckley, Buckner, Bucy, Bugg, Bull, Bullard, Bullard1 Nov 1960, Bullock, Bump, Bumpers, Bunes, Burchett, Burchill, Burge, Burgess, Burgher, Burgomaster, Burgwin, Burke, Burket, Burkett, Burkholder, Burks, Burleson, Burlew, Burlingame, Burnes, Burnette, Burns, Burnside, Burr, Burroughs, Burrus, Burson, Burt, Burtis, Burton, Busby, Buschman, Bush, Bustin, Butcher, Butler, Butt, Buttram, Butts, Buzbee, Byars, Bybee, Byers, Bynum, Byrd
C Caddell, Cadle, Cady, Cagle, Cahill, Cain, Calbaugh, Calcamp, Caldwell, Cale, Calhoun, Callahan, Callaway, Callicoat, Camastraa, Cameron, Camisa, Camp, Campbell, Canada, Canale, Cannady, Cannon, Canter, Cantrell, Capps, Capron, Cardona, Carleton, Carlisle, Carmichael, Carnac, Carney, Carpenter, Carr, Carrington, Carrol, Carroll, Carruccio, Carson, Carter, Carter ? Maybe, Carver, Casdorph, Case, Casey, Cash, Cason, Casseday, Cassiday, Cassidy, Casteel, Castle, Castleberry, Casto, Catalano, Cathall, Cathy, Cattell, Cave, Cawley, Cayhoe, Caywood, Cerveny, Chaffin, Chafin, Challender, Challendes, Chamberlain, Chambers, Champion, Chance, Chancellor, Chandler, Chaney, Chapin, Chaplen, Chapman, Chappel, Chaput, Charles, Chatham, Cheanault, Cheatham, Cheeks, Cheff, Chenette, Chepko, Cherry, Chesser, Chester, Chidester, Child, Childers, Childs, Chipman, Chisom ?, Chrisman, Christensen, Christian, Christman, Christopher, Christy, Chu, Churchwell, Cieslikclark, Cinefonte, Cisna, Claire, Clapper, Clare, Clark, Clark??, Clarke, Clarkson, Clauneb, Clawson, Clay, Claybaugh, Clayton, Clegg, Cleland, Clements, Clenner, Cleveland, Clevenger, Click, Cliff, Clifford, Clifton, Cline, Clossen, Clotfelter, Cloud, Cloughs, Clouse, Clum, Coats, Cobett, Cobleigh, Cobun, Cochran, Cockran, Cocoa, Cody, Coffin, Coffman, Cogan, Cogburn, Coker, Colby, Cole, Coleman, Coleman Coalman ?, Coley, Collard, Colley, Collier, Collins, Colson, Colvin, Colwell, Combs, Comer, Compton, Conger, Congilosi, Conley, Connally, Connell, Connelly, Conner, Conover, Conover Covenhoven, Conovercovenhoven, Conrad, Constanzo, Conway, Cook, Cooker, Cool, Coole, Cooley, Coolidge, Coon, Cooper, Cooprider, Cope, Copeland, Copland, Coppola, Corbin, Corbit, Corbitt, Cordova, Core, Corey, Corforan, Cork, Corkill, Corley, Cornelius, Cornell, Cornet, Cortesio, Cortleyou, Corwin, Cosby, Cosgrove, Cossin, Costanho, Costonho, Coswell, Cota, Cottrell, Cottrill, Courtney, Covarrubias, Covendish, Covenhoven, Covenhovenconover, Cover, Cowart, Cowels, Cowen, Cowley, Cowman, Cox, Coyle, Cozine, Crabill, Craddock, Craft, Craig, Cramer, Crammer, Crandle, Crane, Craure, Craven, Cravey, Crawford, Crear, Crearcruger?, Creasey, Creed, Creighton, Crenshaw, Creveling, Crews, Cricchi, Cricci, Crider, Crislip, Critcher, Crittenden, Croll, Crom, Croman, Cronin, Cronk, Cross, Crosson, Crouch, Crow, Crowe, Crowel, Crowguessford, Crown, Crozier, Cruce, Cruce ?, Crum, Crutchley, Cullen, Cullins, Cullison, Culp, Culpepper, Culver, Cumming, Cummings, Cummins, Cundallcundell, Cunningham, Cupp, Cuppett, Curnutt, Curry, Curtis, Cushing, Cusick, Custer, Cutler, Cyphers, Cyphert
D Dabbs, Dacedeas, Dahl, Dahlinger, Dailey, Dailey-Reckart, Daily, Dale, Dalton, Dancer, Dandy, Daniel, Daniels, Danley, Danna, Danos, Dansby, Dardis, Darling, Darnell, Darr, Darrow, Daugherty, Daughtrey, Dauphars, Davendorf, Davenport, Davidson, Davilla, Davis, Davison, Davisson, Davissonfreeland, Dawson, Day, Deahl, Deakins, Dean, Dearing, Deaver, Deberry, Deblare, Decker, Decost, Decuir, Dedrick, Dees, Defelice, Deffenbaugh, Deford, Degase, Dehart, Dekle, Delabio, Dellert, Delouch, Delph, Delpozszi, Demarino, Demoss, Denham, Denkenberger, Denmark, Dennie, Dennis, Dennison, Denny, Denolf, Denton, Depriest, Derham, Derondius, Derrick, Desilets, Desmond, Despaine, Deterding, Deuel, Devold, Dewhirst, Dewitt, Dey, Dickens, Dickerson, Dickhut, Dickinson, Dicks, Dickson, Dietz, Dilettoso, Dill, Dillon, Dilts, Dipasqua, Disebro, Dix, Dixon, Doane, Dobbins, Dobbs, Dobiese, Dobler, Dobson, Dodd, Dodrill, Dodson, Doggett, Doley, Dolkart, Dollar, Dompagno, Donaghy, Donaldson, Donley, Donnally, Donnelly, Donohoe, Donohue, Doolan, Dorman, Dorn, Dotty, Doty, Doud, Dougherty, Doughty, Douglas, Douglass, Douthitt, Dove, Dowdell, Downing, Downs, Doyle, Drake, Drawdy, Drayn, Dreher, Driggers, Driscoll, Driver, Drummond, Drushell, Dubois, Duchet, Duchowney, Duckworth, Dudley, Duff, Dugan, Duke, Dulk, Dumas, Dumire, Duncan, Dunham, Dunlap, Dunn, Durden, Durfee, Durr, Durrett, Durst, Dutcher, Duty, Duvall, Duyn, Duzenberry, Dwaab, Dwight, Dye, Dyer, Dykes, Dysart
E Eady, Eagfleman, Eaglin, Earle, Earles, Earls, Early, Earlywine, Earnest, Easterwood, Eastman, Eaton, Ebarbo, Eby, Eckhart, Edell, Eder, Edgar, Edge, Edgell, Edgerton, Ediens, Edinger, Edling, Edminston, Edmiston, Edmondson, Edmundson, Edward, Edwards, Effingham, Eggleston, Egnachesli, Ehr, Eiland, Eisenhower, Elder, Ellard, Ellenburg, Eller, Elliff, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Ellisor, Elrod, Elsey, Ely, Embley, Emerick, Emerson, Emery, Emley, Emmons, Emory, Endsley, Engberg, Engelhardt, Enger, England, English, Enochs, Erickson, Erman, Errickson, Erwin, Escue, Eslick, Espy, Essex, Estes, Evans, Eveartt, Everett, Everette, Everham, Everhart, Everly, Everson, Everts, Ewaskio, Ewing, Excel, Exline, Eyler, Ezekiel
F Fagan, Fain, Fairfax, Faison, Faith, Fallaw, Farley, Farmer, Farr, Farris, Farrow, Fauber, Faudrey, Faughn, Faulk, Faulkenberry, Faulkner, Faust, Favro, Fay, Featherly, Feathers, Feenstra, Feick, Feight, Fellman, Felton, Fender, Fendley, Fenn, Fennell, Fennessy, Fenton, Ferber, Ferguson, Fernandez, Ferrell, Ferrin, Ferris, Feutter, Ficcio, Fields, Fike, Fikes, Filarowitz, Filsinger, Finch, Finger, Fink, Finley, Firestone, Firman, Firqua, Firstenberger, Fisher, Fites, Fitts, Fitz Randolph, Fitzgerald, Fitzwater, Fizer, Fizer Neal, Flack, Flaherty, Flanagan, Fleck, Fleischer, Fleming, Flenniken, Fletcher, Flicky, Fling, Flint, Flippo, Flitcraft, Flora, Flournoy, Flowers, Floyd, Flud, Flutz, Flynn, Follett, Followell, Fondon, Fontana, Foor, Forbes, Ford, Fordham, Foresburg, Forlenza, Forman, Forney, Fornier, Forrow, Fortenbacher, Fortner, Fortney, Fory, Foster, Foulks, Fowler, Fox, Frable, Frake, Fraley, France, Frank, Frankhouser, Franklin, Frasher, Frasier, Frazee, Frazer ?, Frazier, Freed, Freeland, Freeman, Freeze, Fremuth, French, Friday, Fries, Frizzell, Fromshom, Frost, Frostrom, Fry, Fuddish, Fulkerson, Fuller, Fulton, Fultz, Funderburk, Funk, Funston, Furlong, Furman, Furnish, Furno, Furr, Furth, Futch, Futo
G G., Gabbard, Gabel, Gabriel, Gaddy, Gaffney, Gafken, Gager, Gagnon, Gailey, Gairns, Gaither, Galatis, Gallagher, Gallegos, Galligan, Galloway, Galvan, Gamain, Gamble, Gamertsfelder, Gann, Gant, Gardner, Garetson, Gariepy, Garlit, Garlitz, Garner, Garrett, Garrett ?, Garrick, Garrison, Garvin, Gary, Gary12 Sep 1929, Gates, Gatlin, Gattis, Gautney, Gavin, Gaylan, Gaylor, Gazaway, Geaslin, Geer, Geiger, Geller, George, Geovanini, Gephart, Germaine, Germond, Gholston, Ghost, Gibbs, Gibson, Gidley, Giffen, Gifford, Gilbert, Giles, Gilispie, Gill, Gillette, Gilliam, Gillick, Gilliland, Gillilandgilland, Gillis, Gilmore, Gipson, Giraud, Girod, Giroux, Giyer, Glasgow, Glass, Glassburn, Glen, Glenn, Glotfelty, Glover, Gober, Goble, Gocha, Godard, Goddard, Godfrey, Godwin, Goetz, Goff, Golden, Goldman, Goldstein, Good, Goode, Gooding, Goodman, Goodmangoodwin ?, Goodwin, Gorby, Gordon, Goree, Gormand, Gormley, Gosch, Goslin, Goss, Gough, Goundrey, Grace, Grady, Graham, Granger, Grant, Grau, Gravatt, Graves, Graw, Gray, Grayson, Greaser, Grecula, Greek, Greeley, Green, Greenburg, Greene, Greenlee, Greenwood, Gregg, Gregory, Gribble, Grieco, Gries, Griffin, Griffith, Griggs, Grimes, Grimm, Grindean, Grippin, Grisso, Grissom, Grizzard, Grogan, Grose, Groshong, Gross, Grosscup, Grover, Groves, Gruber, Grubert, Grugan, Guest, Guice, Guiffre, Guise, Gula, Gulas, Gulick, Gull, Gulledge, Gullion, Guminey, Gunn, Gunter, Gunter ? Perhaps, Gural, Gustafson, Gustin, Guteriz, Guthrie, Guy, Gwinn, Gwynn
H Haas, Haberfield, Hadaway, Hadley, Hagel, Haggard, Hague, Hahn, Haidary, Haigh, Halbritter, Hale, Hales, Haley, Halford, Hall, Hallby, Hallen, Hallman, Halloway, Halpin, Halsey, Halterman, Haltmar, Hamblin, Hamed, Hamer, Hamilin, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hamm, Hammack, Hammer, Hammock, Hammond, Hammonds, Hamnett, Hampshire, Hampton, Hance, Hanchey, Hancock, Hand, Handee, Handley, Handy, Haney, Hankins, Hanley, Hanlin, Hanly, Hann, Hanratty, Hansacker, Hansell, Hansen, Hanson, Haper, Happy, Haraway, Hardaway, Harden, Hardesty, Harding, Hardy, Hargrove, Harkenstein, Harker, Harkins, Harlan, Harlow, Harmon, Harnek, Harner, Harnsberger, Harold, Harper, Harpo, Harrel, Harrell, Harrill, Harriman, Harris, Harris townsend, Harrison, Harriston, Harrsch, Harsh, Hart, Harter, Hartman, Hartshorn, Hartzog, Harvey, Hassey, Hastie, Hastings, Hatcher, Hatfield, Hathorn, Hatley, Haucks, Haught, Haun, Haven, Havens, Haviland, Hawk, Hawkins, Hawley, Haworth, Hawthorne, Hayes, Haygood, Hayman, Hayman West, Haynes, Hays, Haywood, Haywoodhagewood, Hazzan, Head, Headley, Healy, Hearn, Hearne, Heath, Heaton, Heavener, Heavner, Heckart, Heckel, Heckle, Hefelfinger, Heim, Heinberg, Heisler, Heitsman, Heitzman, Hellings, Hellow, Helm, Helme, Helmehelms, Helms, Helsley, Henby, Hendee, Henderson, Hendrick, Hendricks, Hendrickson, Henkles, Henline, Henning, Henry, Henry Galatis, Hensley, Herbert, Herbort, Herdman, Hergrueter, Herman, Hermanson, Herndon, Hernsey, Herring, Herron, Hershey, Hershman, Herst, Hertzog, Hess, Hester, Hettrick, Hewett, Hewitt, Heyd, Hiatt, Hibbon, Hibbs, Hibler, Hickey, Hickman, Hicks, Hickson, Higbee, Higgason, Higgenbotham, Higgenbothem, Higginbotham, Higgins, Higley, Hiler, Hill, Hillery, Hillier, Hillis, Hilton, Himelrick, Hindman, Hinds, Hines, Hinkle, Hinton, Hise, Hiser, Hitch, Hively, Hixon, Hoagland, Hoagland ?, Hoard, Hoban, Hoch, Hockenberry, Hodge, Hodges, Hodson, Hoffman, Hoffmann, Hoffstetter, Hogan, Hoge, Hogeland, Hogg, Hogge, Hogland, Holcomb, Holden, Holder, Holderbaugh, Holifield, Holik, Holland, Hollenbach, Holley, Hollifield, Hollingshead, Hollis, Hollister, Hollon, Holloway, Holmes, Holmes ?, Holmquest, Holstien, Holt, Holtz, Holtzhauser, Homes, Honeycutt, Hood, Hooks, Hooten, Hooven, Hoover, Hopkin, Hopkins, Hopper, Horan, Horn, Horne, Horner, Horton, Horwatch, Hose, Hoser, Hoskins, Hostutler, Hough, Houlihan, House, Houser, Houston, Hovater, Hovatter, Hover, Hovey, Howard, Howell, Howie, Hubbard, Hubbel, Hubbell, Hubner, Huckabee, Huckaby, Huddler, Huddleston, Hudgens, Hudgins, Hudson, Hudson Allen, Huett, Huffine, Huffman, Huffstutler, Huggins, Hugh, Hughens, Hughes, Hughs, Hulme, Hulswitt, Humbert, Humes, Hunkel, Hunnicutt, Hunt, Hunter, Huntsinger, Hupp, Hurd, Hurley, Hurleyhenley, Hurst, Hurt, Huser, Huss, Husted, Huston, Hutchenson, Hutchings, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Huth, Hutt, Hyatt, Hyde, Hynds
I Ieradi, Igoe, Igues, Imoe, Inderman, Ingenbrandt, Ingersol, Ingerson, Inghram, Ingram, Inlow, Inman, Irby, Ireland, Irish, Irons, Irwin, Ishee, Isler, Isom, Israel, Ivey, Ivie, Ivins, Ivy, Iwasiuk
J Jack, Jackson, Jacobs, Jager, Jahnig, James, Jameson, Janchen, Janney, Jans, Jansen, Janss Or Jansen, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jatres, Jay, Jeffers, Jefferson, Jefferys, Jeffreys, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jenks, Jenna, Jennings, Jensen, Jernigan, Jernigen, Jessee, Jeter, Jividen, Jobbins, Jobs, Johansen, John, Johns, Johnson, Johnson John ?, Johnson-Voice, Johnston, Johnstone, Joiner, Jolley, Jonas, Jones, Jordan, Jordon, Jowanowitch, Judge, Judy
K Kahl, Kain, Kaler, Kallina, Kampmann, Kane, Kapp, Karn, Karr, Kaser, Kath, Katz, Kaye, Kazo, Keasey, Keefer, Keeler, Keen, Keenan, Keener, Keepes, Keesling, Keith, Kell, Kellam, Keller, Kelley, Kellicut, Kellner, Kellock, Kelly, Kemerley, Kemp, Kemphfer, Kendall, Kendrick, Kendrix, Kenna, Kennedy, Kenner, Kennie, Kent, Keppel, Kerby, Kern, Kerr, Kerry, Kersh, Kerstetter, Kesner, Kessell, Kessler, Key, Kidd, Kiesler, Kilbourne, Kilcrease, Kilgore, Killeen, Killilea, Killingsworth, Kilmer, Kilpatrick, Kimbell, Kimberly, Kimble, Kincade, Kindelgerger, Kinder, Kindig, King, Kingen, Kingman, Kingsbury, Kinnaird, Kinnon, Kinsey, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkham, Kirkland, Kirkpatrick, Kirkwood, Kirtley, Kisner, Kissinger, Kitchen, Kitchens, Kite, Kitts, Klecha, Klienkeneckt, Klinger, Kloetsel, Knapp, Knight, Knighten, Kniskern, Knoles, Knopf, Knopp, Knotts, Knox, Kobus, Koch, Koenig, Koesy, Koklay, Koller, Komaromi, Koonce, Koons, Kootnz, Kopitzke, Kostempski, Kostonolie, Kraft, Kramer, Kress, Kribbs, Krichman, Krimer, Kroman Horan, Krommes, Krueger, Krug, Krukowski, Krum, Kruse ?, Kucowski, Kuehler, Kukla, Kuns, Kuntz, Kurre, Kyle
L Labbe, Lacey, Lachner, Lacy, Laduke, Lafontaine, Laird, Lake, Lalich, Lallerstedt, Lamar, Lamb, Lambert, Lamhear, Lancaster, Land, Landers, Landgraff, Landis, Landrum, Landry, Landsdale, Landt, Lane, Laney, Lanford, Lang, Langley, Langston, Langton, Lanning, Lansdon, Lapington, Laprade, Larid, Lark, Larkin, Larsen, Larson, Larymore, Lassiter, Laster, Latham, Lathrop, Latsinova, Lattie, Lauersdorf, Laurie, Lavender, Lawhorne, Lawrence, Laws, Lawson, Layton, Lazell, Lazenby, Lea, Leach, Leaman, Learn, Leary, Leath, Leavan, Lebers, Lecoe, Ledbetter, Ledford, Ledgerwood, Lee, Leete, Leeth, Legg, Leightsy, Leinss, Leitgob, Leme, Lemming, Lemons, Lemstra, Lemstrom, Lepley, Lepore, Leslie, Lesswing, Lester, Lesterluster ?, Letsinger, Letts, Levengood, Leverett, Leverette, Levine, Levy, Lew, Lewin, Lewis, Leyda, Libman, Liew, Lilly, Lincoln, Linder, Lindley, Lindner, Lindsey, Linn, Lipham, Lippencott, Lipscomb, Lipsey, Liptak, Lisatenski, Lister, Liston, Litchfield, Littell, Little, Littlejohn, Littlepage, Litton, Livingood, Livingston, Lloyd, Lock, Locke, Lockhart, Loclello, Lodge, Lofgran, Lofland, Logan, Logue, Long, Longdin, Longenecker, Longwell, Longwelldailey, Loomis, Loose, Loper, Lopez, Lord, Lorenc, Lorenz, Lott, Loudermilk, Loughrie, Loughry, Love, Lovelady, Loveless, Lovette, Loving, Lowden, Lowe, Lower, Lowery, Lowther, Lucas, Luckey, Ludden, Ludt, Ludwig, Luedecke, Luff, Luke, Lunceford, Lungren, Lunt, Luparia, Lusher, Lusk, Luther, Luttrell, Lyles, Lynam, Lynch, Lynn, Lyon, Lyons
M Mabbs, Mabry, Macallister, Macgillvary, Machen, Machette, Mack, Mackey, Mackoff, Macleon, Macomber, Macpherson, Madden, Maddox, Maddux, Maderer, Madison, Magee, Maggs, Magley, Magnuson, Mahaffey, Maher, Maholik, Maikshilo, Mailey, Majeski, Makins, Malbrough, Males, Mallow, Malone, Maloney, Maloy, Malsbury, Manaham, Manjerovic, Manley, Mann, Manner, Mannino, Mansfield, Mantlow, Maranto, Marchetta, Marcy, Mardis, Margrey, Marino, Marion, Mark, Markies, Markley, Markowski, Marks, Marler, Marlow, Marquis, Marriott, Marrs, Marsh, Marshall, Mart, Marter, Martin, Martinek, Martinez, Masinda, Mason, Masonbrink, Massah, Massey, Mast, Masters, Masterson, Matheny, Mathers, Mathews, Mathis, Matthew, Matthews, Maturano, Maul, Mauldin, Maxfield, Maxson, Maxwell, May, Maybank, Mayberrymabry, Mayer, Mayes, Mayfield, Maynor, Mays, Maytland, McAdams, McAdoo, McAfee, McAin, McAllister, McArthur, McBride, McCabe, McCaghren, McCain, McCaleb, McCall, McCalla, McCammic ? Spelling, McCann, McCarley, McCarter, McCarthy, McCarty, McClain, McClanahan, McClaren, McClelland, McCloud, McClure, McCoffery, McCoin, McCollough, McCollum, McComber, McCombie, McCombs, McCord, McCordel, McCoullough, McCoy, McCrary, McCraw, McCray, McCready, McCreless, McCullin, McCulloch, McCullom, McCullough, McCumber, McCune, McCurry, McDade, McDaniel, McDaris, McDermott, McDevitt, McDonald, McDougald, McDowell, McElroy, McElvaney, McElwain, McFarland, McFerrin, McGatha, McGee, McGeorge, McGetrick, McGill, McGinnis, McGowin, McGraw, McGreevy, McGreevy-Hanratty, McGregor, McGrew, McGruder, McGuire, McHale, McHugh, McInnis, McIntire, McIntyre, McIver, McKamie, McKay, McKee, McKeel, McKenna, McKenzie, McKibben, McKinion, McKinley, McKinney, McKinnon, McKlintock, McLaren, McLaughlin, McLaughlin., McLaughton, McLean, McLemor, McLeod, McMahon, McMasters, McMellon, McMillian, McMurray, McNair, McNally, McNaughton, McNeal, McNeil, McNeill, McOrmier, McPherson, McQuain, McQueen, McQuinn, McRobie, McSwain, McTuma ?, McVay, McVicker, McVickermcvickers, McWilliams, McWilliamsmoore, McWorter, Meador, Meadore, Meadows, Mealor, Means, Mears, Measure, Meck, Meese, Meier, Melburn, Mellor, Melton, Melville, Menear, Menhorn, Mercer, Merchant, Merithew, Merkel, Merrell, Merrifield, Merrill, Merriman, Merritt, Merry, Mertins, Meserole, Meserve, Mesmore, Messenger, Messerole, Messmore, Metala, Meter, Metheney, Metheny, Metheny Matheny ?, Metke, Metzer, Metzger, Meyen, Meyer, Meyers, Mhurl, Michael, Micheal, Middleton, Miedinger, Mihallik, Miksell, Milam, Mildred, Miles, Miley, Miller, Milligan, Millison, Mills, Millspaugh, Milstead, Mims, Miner, Minor, Mires, Mitchell, Mix, Mixon, Mize, Mobley, Moffatt, Moffett, Mohland, Mohler, Mohr, Molley, Mona, Monahan, Moncrief, Monday, Monger, Monks, Monnier, Monroe, Monrose, Montero, Montgomery, Moody, Moon, Mooney, Moor, Moorannette, Moore, Moorefield, Moores, Moorman, Moquett, Morales, Moran, Morando, Morcos, Moreland, Morelock, Moreno, Morgan, Moritt, Morphis, Morrill, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Morton, Mosby, Moseley, Moses, Mosetta, Mosher, Mosley, Moss, Mosser, Mosty, Mott, Moultrie, Mount, Mowen, Mowry, Moyer, Moyers, Moynan, Muelen, Muenster, Muha, Mulherrin, Mull, Mullen, Mullet, Mullins, Mullins Or Mullens, Mulvehill, Munes, Murdock, Murity, Murks, Murningham, Murphree, Murphy, Murray, Muse, Musgrove, Muzny, Myers, Myrick, Myroncuk
N Naffky, Nagle, Nagy, Nails, Nall, Nancy, Nash, Nasholts, Naughten, Nautbaum, Neasham, Nedbalek, Neel, Neeper, Nees, Neighbors, Neldon, Nelson, Nesbitt, Neste, Nestor, Nettles, Neumann, Nevada, Neville, Newberry, Newby, Newcom, Newcome, Newel, Newell, Newlin, Newsome, Newton, Niall, Niarhos, Nicholas, Nichols, Nicholson, Nickle, Nicodemus, Niedermeier, Nielson, Nine, Nipper, Nix, Nixon, Njuyen, Nobles, Noblitt, Noe, Noel, Nolan, Nolder, Nordeck, Nordman, Norman, Norris, Norsworthy, Norton, Norwood, Nose, Noter, Nowell, Nugent, Null, Nunes, Nunigun, Nutall, Nutt, Nye
O Oakes Drake ?, Oberhofer, Oberholozer, Oberkirsch, Oboyski, Obrien, Ochs, Oconnelly, Oconnor, Odean, Odenheimer, Odom, Odonnell, Ogburn, Ogden, Ogle, Oglesby, Ohara, Ohaver, Okelly, Olarnic, Oldham, Oldroyd, Oleary, Oliver, Olney, Olsen, Olson, Oneal, Oneil, Oneill, Oppenlander, Orourke, Orr, Ortiz, Orum, Osborn, Osborne, Oschell, Osgood, Oshields, Oster, Otly, Otoole, Ott, Outhouse, Overstreet, Overton, Owen, Owens, Owens-Empson, Owings
P P., Pace, Padula, Page, Painter, Paiva, Palm, Palmer, Pantello, Parent, Parke, Parker, Parker-Pryor, Parkin, Parkinson, Parks, Parpenberger, Parr, Parris, Parrish, Parrot, Parson, Parsons, Partin, Partlow, Parton, Parvin, Paschall, Pascoe, Pase, Pastorius, Patch, Patch Sp.?, Patrick, Patterson, Patton, Patts, Paugh, Paul, Paule, Payne, Peacock, Pearson, Pederson, Peek, Peel, Peeler, Peer, Peets, Peevey, Pegram, Pell, Pelt, Pelton, Pence, Penn, Pennell, Penner, Pennick, Pennochio, Penson, Penta, Pentony, Percival, Perez, Perkins, Perrine, Perritt, Perry, Persall, Pestle, Peters, Peterson, Petree, Petrey, Pettee, Pettet, Petty, Pfeiffer, Pharris, Phelan, Phelps, Phend, Phenny, Phillips, Philllips, Philyaw, Phipps, Phoebus, Piatt, Pickel, Picken, Pickens, Pidgeon, Pierce, Pierson, Piewaddy, Pinckard, Pinefine ?, Pingel, Pinkerton, Pipes, Piphins, Pisharodi, Pitman, Pitney, Pittman, Pitts, Platt, Plaxico, Pledger, Pless, Plowman, Plum, Poe, Pogmore, Pointer, Polack, Poland, Polhemus, Poling, Polk, Pollette, Polling, Ponder, Poole, Pope, Poppin, Poppit, Porter, Porteus, Porto, Portwood, Posey, Poss, Posten, Postlethwaite, Poulos, Powell, Powers, Praal, Prachar, Prater, Pratt, Prentice, Prescott, Presler, Presley, Presnall, Pressley, Prestridge, Prevost, Price, Prichett, Prieur, Prillaman, Prince, Pringle, Pritchard, Pritchett, Proctor, Proffitt, Proper, Provine, Provost, Pruett, Pruitt, Pryer, Pryor, Pryor-Braswell, Puckett, Pue, Puetz, Pugh, Pugsley, Pullen, Pulliam, Pullin, Pulter, Purdy, Pursell
Q Quattlebaum, Quinn
R Rabb, Raber, Rackert, Rad, Radabaugh, Raden, Rader, Rains, Rales, Raley, Ramirez, Ramsey, Ranalli, Randall, Randles, Rankin, Ranton, Raposa, Rapp, Rasberry, Rasmussen, Raspberry, Rathbun, Ratto, Rauson, Ravell, Rawlings, Rawlins, Ray, Raymer, Raymond, Reading, Reagan, Reagle, Ream, Reaves, Reckard, Reckart, Redden, Reddin, Redding, Reddington, Reddoch, Redman, Redmon, Reece, Reed, Reekie, Rees, Reese, Reeves, Rehl, Reichart, Reid, Reilly, Reis, Reiss, Reitz, Renate, Reneke, Renner, Reno, Rentschler, Rettig, Reuddick, Rewis ?, Reynolds, Reynoldson, Rhoades, Rhoads, Rhode, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richard, Richards, Richardson, Richburg, Riche, Richeson, Richey, Richmond, Rickard, Ricks, Ridenour, Rider, Ridgeway, Ridings, Rieckenberg, Ried, Riedl, Riffe, Riffle, Rigby, Rigdon, Rigelwood, Riggins, Riggle, Riggleman, Riggs, Riley, Rileyroberts ?, Ringer, Riordan, Riotto, Riper, Rittiman, Roane, Robb, Robbins, Roberson, Robert, Roberts, Robertson, Robertsrogers ?, Robeson, Robinson, Robison, Robles, Rochell, Rock, Rockwell, Rodeheaver, Roden, Rodgers, Roe, Roecker, Roemer, Rogers, Rohr, Rohrer, Rolf, Rolins, Rollins, Romaine, Romano, Romans, Romeo, Rommel, Roney, Rood, Rook, Rooke, Rooney, Root, Rose, Roseman, Rosenberger, Rosequist, Ross, Rosskamp, Roth, Roundtree, Roup, Rouppet, Rouse, Rowan, Rowe, Rowley, Rowlinson, Roy, Rozelle, Rudolph, Rue, Ruggieri, Rumedge, Rumrill, Ruoss, Rushing, Russell, Rutherford, Rutkowski, Rutland, Rutledge, Rutter, Ryan, Ryland
S Sabin, Sack, Safford, Sales, Salisbury, Sallee, Salsburg, Salter, Salyards, Sammons, Sampson, Samuelson, Sanchez, Sanders, Sanderson, Saner, Sansonese, Sapp, Sarapata, Sassa, Sasser, Satcher, Saunders, Savage, Savidge, Sawyer, Saxon, Saylor, Sayre, Scales, Scarboro, Scarborough, Scarbrough, Schaaf, Schaefer, Schafer, Scheibe, Scheider, Schelfer, Schenck, Scherf, Schlagle, Schluterman, Schmadtke, Schnecberger, Schneider, Schockler, Schodorf, Scholes, Schollz, Scholz, Schoolcraft, Schopler, Schramm, Schuessler, Schuler, Schumann, Schupp, Schuster, Schutte, Schwartzlow, Schwarz, Schwirtlich Sp.?, Scire, Scoles, Scott, Scott Carpenter ?, Sculthorpe, Seabrooks, Sealy, Seamon, Seay, Sebaum, Secor, See, Seesholtz, Segatti, Seifert, Seising, Self, Sellars, Sellers, Sellsman, Senker, Senter, Seroyer, Setliff, Severns, Sevey, Sexton, Seymour, Sgarzi, Shackelford, Shadden, Shadrick, Shaefer, Shafer, Shaffer, Shagula, Shahan, Shake, Shald, Shanholtz, Shanks, Shanon, Shargo, Sharman, Sharps, Sharral, Sharrits, Shartz, Shaver, Shaw, Shay, Shearling, Shears, Sheeks, Sheeler, Sheetall, Sheets, Sheftall, Shehansheens ?, Shelhamer Shellhammer ?, Shell, Shellenbarger, Shellhammer, Shellstone, Shelton, Shepherd, Sheplar, Shepler, Shepperd, Sherer, Sheridan, Sherlock, Sherman, Sherrer, Sherrick, Sherry, Sherwood, Shields, Shiller, Shillingburg, Shinamon, Shinn, Shinpaugh, Shipman, Shipp, Shireman, Shirley, Shives, Shockley, Shoop, Short, Shortle, Shoun, Shreve, Shriver, Shrout, Shuford, Shultz, Shurley, Shutter, Shuttlesworth, Shutts, Sibley, Sickle, Sieber, Siegrist, Sigley, Silknetter, Sill, Simmers, Simmons, Simms, Simpkins, Simpson, Sims, Singletary, Singleton, Sinkler, Sinor, Sinsel, Sires, Siscel, Sisler, Sissons, Skalsky, Skidmore, Skinner, Skipworth, Slade, Slater, Slaubaugh, Slaughter, Slayter, Slayton, Slentz, Sloan, Slone, Smallwood, Smart, Smellie, Smerkel, Smileysmilie ?, Smilges, Smires, Smith, Smithson, Smoker, Snead, Snedekarsnedegar ?, Snedeker, Snedigar, Snell, Snellgrove, Snider, Snively, Snodgrass, Snow, Snowden, Snyder, Sollie, Solomon, Sonnier, Soriano, Sorrells, Sorrets, Soto, Souter, Southard, Sovant, Soverns, Soward, Sowell, Sox, Spahn, Spahr, Spaid, Spangler, Sparks, Spear, Spears, Speckman, Speelman, Speicher, Speight, Spence, Spencer, Spradlin, Sprague, Spratlin, Spraul, Sprayberry, Springer, Springsteen, Sprinkles, Spruce, Spurlock, Squires, Sroka, Staats, Staba, Stabler, Stackhouse, Stafford, Stager, Staggs, Stahl, Stainback, Staley, Stallings, Stalnaker, Stamers, Stanfield, Stanford, Stanhope, Stanislawski, Stanley, Stapleton, Stark, Starr, States, Staton, Staudt, Steel, Steele, Steerman, Stegall, Steger, Steinbicer, Stell, Stemple, Stenzel, Stephens, Stephenson, Stepp, Sterling, Stern, Sterner, Stevens, Stevenson, Steveson, Stewart, Stice, Stichler, Stickley, Stidd, Still, Stillwell, Stinson, Stockdale, Stocker, Stockstille, Stoddard, Stoker, Stokes, Stoklossa, Stoll, Stone, Stonebreaker, Stoneking, Stormfeld, Story, Stotts, Stough, Stover, Stowe, Stradling, Straff, Straight, Strang, Strasinger, Strathers, Straw, Strawn, Strawser, Street, Streets, Strickland, Striker, Stringer, Striping, Stroh, Stroud, Struck, Strudivant, Stubbs, Stuber, Stull, Stultz, Stump, Stumps, Sturm, Sudduth, Suhanich, Suhr, Suitlas, Sullivan, Sumerall, Summerlin, Summers, Sumney, Suskin, Suss Sutts ?, Sutherland, Sutphen, Sutphin, Sutton, Svenander, Swalls, Swann, Swanson, Swarthout, Swartz, Sweat, Sweatt, Sweeney, Sweitzer, Swift, Swinney, Swonk, Swope, Swoveland, Syer, Sylva, Sypolt, Syrcle, Szajna, Szcuch
T Taarks, Tabscott, Taff, Taft, Talbot, Tallant, Talley, Tanner, Tarquin, Tarry, Tarver, Tasker, Tate, Taylor, Tayman, Tays, Tebell, Tedder, Tedford, Teets, Teitsworth Titsworth ?, Teller, Templemon, Templeton, Tenevck, Tentor, Tephabock, Ternquist, Terrell, Terry, Tew, Thackery, Tharp, Thesslerfessier, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorne, Thornhill, Thornton, Thrash, Thrasher, Thrower, Thurman, Tibbets, Tibbetts, Tibshraeny, Tichenal, Tichenell, Tichnor, Tidball, Tidmore, Tidwell, Till, Tilley, Tillman, Tims, Tindall, Tindle, Tinzmann, Tippett, Tischler, Tisdale, Titchenal, Tobias, Tobin, Tolar, Tolbert, Tolman, Tomion, Tomlin, Tomlinson, Toms, Toolly, Topham, Topley, Totman, Townsend, Townson, Tracy, Trafford, Trammell, Traw, Traweek, Trayler, Treece, Trent, Tressell, Triantifilou, Tribble, Trickett, Trinklein, Triplett, Trotter, Trout, Trowbridge, True, Truelove, Trussel, Trussell, Tuck, Tucker, Tulle, Tullis, Turk, Turlington, Turnbaugh, Turner, Turney, Turnier, Turnipseed, Turnmire, Tutt, Tuttle, Twitty, Tyre, Tyson
U Ulch, Ullery, Ullrick, Ulrey, Underwood, Unger, Ungerer, Unknown, Uphold, Upperman, Uppole, Urrell, Ussery
V Vail, Vailes, Valentine, Vancuren, Vandemark, Vanderver, Vanderwilt, Vandigriff, Vandiver, Vandyke, Vandyne, Vanhoose, Vanmater, Vann, Vansickle, Vardiman, Vargas, Varner, Vassalluzzo, Vattilano, Vaughan, Vavala, Vawtervaulter ?, Veatch, Vennable, Venuto, Vereen, Vergona, Verhoog, Vermillion, Vernon, Vert, Vice, Vickers, Vickery, Viering, Villareal, Villegas, Vines, Vinson, Vitz, Vohrees, Voice, Volrath, Voorhees, Voorhis, Voscamp, Voskel, Voss, Voth
W Waarner, Wabel, Wable, Waddington, Wade, Wadsworth, Wager, Wagers, Wagner, Wahlberg, Wahlstrom, Waid, Wainwright, Waites, Waitt, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Waller, Walls, Walter, Walters, Walton, Wanless, Ward, Warden, Warder, Ware, Warfield, Warne, Warner, Warren, Warrick, Washburn, Waskborn, Waters, Watford, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watters, Watts, Waugh, Wavra, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Weber, Webster, Wedgworth, Weed, Weeden, Weekley, Weekly, Weeks, Weems, Weese, Wegner, Weigand, Weinberg, Weirweis ? Spelling, Weisinger, Weiss, Welborn, Welch, Welden, Weldon, Wellborn, Wellendorf, Wells, Welshans, Wence, Wenkelman, Werner, Werntz, Werts, Wertzbaugher, West, Westbrook, Westbrooks, Westlachwestlack, Whalen, Whaley, Whalley, Wheat, Wheeler, Whetsell, Whetzel, Whidden, Whiddon, Whisenhunt, Whitaker, White, Whitehair, Whiteside, Whitfield, Whithair, Whiting, Whitley, Whitman, Whitmore, Whitten, Whittington, Whittlesy, Whitworth, Wiant, Wickham, Wicklund, Wicks, Wickstrom, Wieloch, Wiggins, Wiggley, Wigington, Wigstrom, Wilbur, Wilburn, Wilcox, Wild, Wilder, Wildes, Wiles, Wiley, Wilhelm, Wilhite, Wilkerson, Wilkie, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willard, Willbourn, Willett, Williams, Williams ?, Williamson, Williford, Willis, Willoughby, Wills, Wilson, Wimberly, Winans, Winchell, Wine, Winey, Winfield, Winford, Wingfield, Wingo, Winiger, Winkler, Winkowski, Winslow, WinterS, Wise, Wisner, Wiswell, Witcher, Withrow, Withy, Witte, Witter, Wixey, Woerner, Woffard, Wofford, Wolanin, Wolf, Wolfe, Wolff, Wolford, Wollam, Wolven, Wolverton, Wonders, Wood, Woodall, Woodard, Wooderson, Woodfin, Woodham, Woodruff, Woods, Woodson, Woodward, Woollam, Woolsey, Wooten, Word, Worden, Workman, Worth, Wortham, Worthington, Wotring, Woulard, Woy, Wray, Wren, Wright, Wyand, Wyatt, Wycoff, Wyman, Wynn, Wyrick, Wysocki
Y Yakis, Yancey, Yarborough, Yarbrough, Yard, Yarick, Yates, Yatsko, Yausamari, Yazee, Yazzie, Yeager, Yenne, Yergin, Yoast, Yoder, Yonge, York, Yorston, Yost, Young, Youngblood, Younger, Younginer
Z Zabko, Zakel, Zamow, Zandt, Zelner, Ziegler, Zimmerman, Zink, Zinn, Zollar, Zoroufchian, Zuchowski, Zuhlke, Zull, Zumph, Zumwalt, Zurewich

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Created 29 July 2004 by Reunion, from Leister Productions, Inc.


This genealogy web site will terminate production on December 31, 2004.

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your life these past six years. - Les Buckalew