Chapter X

<AnAngel> Katti girl how are you tonight?
<Katti^^^> Good, AnAngel thanks for asking.
<AnAngel> Hey everyone this is my friend Katti, she is here in the states with me
can you all say hi to her for me?

One after another came a reply of hi Katti, or welcome Katti. Everyone was
so friendly. A far cry fromt he harshness she felt they had for the Western
world while shifting through the Homepages of the Middle East.

A private box showed up on the bottom of the screen. Clicking it to open.
<AnAngel> Hey friend, I am so glad you found your way back to me.
<Katti> So am I, thanks for the invite.
<AnAngel> You will probably get hundreds of messages with your nick.
Just chit chat and have fun. And don't really take anyone too serious.
If you have any questions just feel free to ask and don't you dare say goodnight
without coming back and giving me some of your time. Alright.
<Katti> Sure Angel, I see what you mean I already have three messages.

Clicking on one after another Katti began to chat.  The a/s/l  she had to ask
Angel about.
<Katti> Oh god, thats the first question they are asking all of them.
<AnAngel> hehe yes boys will be boys. Take it in stride. Leave your
personal life out of cyberspace and build a new life here.

Katti took her advice. She talked and talked. Some of the questions
seemed harmless enough. And some even made her laugh. Katti talked
into the night. Alexandria kept coming back making sure she was
being treated with respect and that she was enjoying the time.

<Katti> Oh yes! Everyone is so very nice.

Over the next two weeks Katti and Angel became good friends If you can
call someone you never met a freiend. They spent hours talking in private.
Sharing stories while Katti made a lot of new friends on the internet.
Late one night AnAngel came to bid Katti goodnight. "I want to spend
some special time "AnAngel said, "with a goodfriend of mine."
<Katti> Oh, yes by all means, I didn't know you were involved. Sorry
to take so much of your time.
<AnAngel> Katti, listen to me, you never take up my time. I am here for you
I am going to always be here for you now. We are going to be the best of
friends. But, at the poor age of 26 I can't take the chance and maybe let
my soulmate get away. hehehe, and besides he is wonderful so cya later.

Angel clicked off, leaving Katti there with her 4 boxes open. One after another
she chatted. Some showing slight signs of jealousy for her taking to long in her
answers. Katti only smiled and tried to chat with everyone that wanted to chat.
After all what else did she have to do with herself. IRC passed the time and some
how knowing AnAngel made life seem a little less troublesome.

Katti woke up early this morning, it was friday and she was going to the park to
watch for Heather. All excited she fisnished her work, and began to dress for
the outing. A cool summer dress and sandles made for the day wear.  Her hair she
shot a brush though and let it fall to her waist loose. Running from the apartment
so she wouldn't be late Katti found she was happy. She felt light, as if she was
floating and thoughts of AnAngel came to her mind. They had been friends now for
only three weeks, Alexandria gave Katti her home phone number one day, and
to Katti's surprised she called it. They talked for hours all the time. God help the
phone bill when it came. Yet with the rates of only 5cents a minute how can she
put a price on good friendship.

Alexandria gave her hope, and calmed her fears telling her that her child would
come back to her. Just to make sure she was there when she came. Sitting there
on the park bench Katti watched little Heather move around the park playing.
Every once in a while Katti spotted Heather trying to peek at her without being
noticed, but Katti noticed it. She noticed every move the little girl made
She marvelled at the sight of Heather. Sitting there in the sun, she smiled leaned back
to enjoy life. It was looking pretty good.

Heather was waving her hand "Bye cya tomorrow" she called out to Crissy as she started
to retreat to the street to go home herself. Heather wondered all the time about the
lady that saved her life. Nana told her she was a very nice wonderful lady that had lots
of sad things happen in her life. Heather watched the lady when she was in the park the lady
hardly every seemed happy but today she was happy Heather could see her smiling a lot.

Heather wanted to go up to her and say thank you for what the nice lady did. She wanted
to tell the lady sorry that she called her a kidnapper. Yes that is just what she wanted to
do and she was going to do it. Heather walked right over to the lady.

"Hi there,"  Heather said as she stood in front of Katti.
"Hello" Katti's heart was beating so fase she could swear it was going to leap out of her chest.
"My Nana said I should thank you"
"Ahhhh, but if it was left up to you, you would rather not right." Katti stated
"Well!" Heather paused before saying anything else.
"Thats ok I understand and thank you that was very nice of you" Katta again smiled.

Heather walked away thinking maybe the lady isn't all that bad after all. 1