>Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 08:03:26 -0500
>From: "Linda K. Chapman" <103217.260@compuserve.com>
>Subject: BINGO - THX got msg / US WEST YEL PGS
>Sender: "Linda K. Chapman" <103217.260@compuserve.com>
>To: Blind.Copy.Receiver@compuserve.com
>Content-Disposition: inline
>X-UIDL: 2e1f958c5995c2581fe7a8bab0af2fc5
>BINGO - I got the message reference US WEST YELLOW PAGES that I was looking
>Thanks for all your help, especially to Ralph (one of our members in
>Tucson) who found and forwarded the e-mail (dated 11-18-98) that I was
>looking for.
>Thanks for all the help from everyone.
>Linda Chapman
>Arizona Secular Humanists
>Note: Just a note on the Tempe Arts Festival. Reference the Tempe Arts
>Festival, since our participation beginning in Dec 97, we have acquired 59
>names on our mailing list. One person saw our booth two years, and later,
>joined our organization, then became a board member. Our total mailing list
>is 630 people. Our membership is currently 75 voting members.

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