the webmaster asks: why didnt linda chapman send this e-mail to mike ross? she sent it to all the other ash members. is linda chapman an officer in ash treating mike different then all the other ash members? is this unethical behavior on the part of linda chapman an ash board member to single out mike ross and treat him differently then other ash members? mike ross certainly thinks so!
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 19:24:47 -0500
From: "Linda K. Chapman" <>
Subject: QUIZ - reference yellow pages
Sender: "Linda K. Chapman" <>
To: 5ED-AZ/Phx-ASH/TheTorch <>,
"ASH-\"Anne-Mardick\"" <>,"
ASH-AZTucA-HerbSchapiro <>,
ASHB-Putz-Paul <>,
ASH-AZTucACol-Ralph <>,
ASH-Bea-Page <>, ASH-Blazer-Bill <>,
ASH-Christiani-Bill <>,
ASH-Dudley-Paul <>, ASH-File-Betty <>,
ASH-Goff-Elizabeth <>,
ASH-Grigals-Anne <>,
ASH-Harris-Glenn <>,
ASH-Harris-Robert <>,
ASH-Helmstadter-Jerry <>,
ASH-Hooks-William-M <>,
ASH-Johnson-Doug <>,
ASH-Kadish-Lorain/Frank <>,
ASH-KammermanHerman/Ann <>,
ASH-Lantz-Louis <>,
ASH-Lyon-John <>,
ASH-McFadden-Kevin <>,
ASH-Pizer-John <>,
ASH-Ruckman-Lisa <>,
ASH-Speiser-Jim <>,
ASH-Staples-Grey <grey staples>,
ASHL-Rosenthal-Irene <>,
ASHN-GaitherMonty <>,
ASHN-HSGP-PresGreen-Bill <>,
ASHN-Lippard-Jim <>,
ASHP-Ellen-Meier <>,
ASHP-LaManna-Rosella <>,
ASHP-MAMA97Rob-Dudley <>,
ASHP-N-D98Tarazon-Carlos <>,
ASHP-Nasset-Samantha <>,
ASHP-Rocheleau-George <>,
ASHP-Shurtz-Bill <>,
ASHP-Sommers-Sandra <>,
ASHP-Tempe-Garoutte-Rodd <>,
ASHP-Walters-Ira <>,
ASHPAzSig-Johnson-Larry <>,
ASHX-Huey-Bob <>,
ASHX-JollyHart-Jani <>,
ASHX-Knudson-Jan <>, ASHX-LeBlanc-Jim <>,
ASHX-McAfee-Ian <>

If you were looking or a Secular Humanist / Atheist / Freethinker Organization, where is the first place you would look? I tried several years ago, and looked under Churches....nothing. I had no idea where else to look, so after checking the index of for Humanism, Atheism, I stopped looking. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE VALUE OF OUR AD IS IN LOCATING PEOPLE LOOKING FOR US?________

If I had just asked you to find our ad, without having told you the exact page it is listed on, could you have found it, KNOWING that the listing is there SOMEWHERE? _______________

How many people do you think will see our ad?___________________

We members paid $715.00 to have our ad listed for a year in the CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS which provides high visibility (the religious people would know we're out there), and according to the majority of ASHiens who responded to my questions, this is the place they most likely would *start* looking for some type of heading regarding secular humanism. DO YOU THINK THE AD, PLACED UNDER THE ERRONEOUS HEADING, IS WORTH THE SAME?

What should be done? Should ASH ask for complete reimbursement (we have had three responses of a persons who contributed to the ad who say, "yes," placement of the ad under the correct heading CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS for next year, free of charge, would be fair.)______________________

Linda Chapman Arizona Secular Humanists

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