join this atheist list server! run by ASH or ASH-LP1 inc

its run by the folks at arizona secular humanists - lp1 inc

all messages you post are automaticly sent to all members!

no moderator exists to censor messages. what you post is deleivered to all members with out any censorship. with out any waiting.

we welcome any discussions on why god does or does not exist. of course since the list server is run by a bunch of atheists who dont beleive in god we suspect the messages will lean towards the godless direction. but christians hindus, muslims, jews, witches and people of all religions are welcome to post on why their gods are the one and only true god and why us atheists will burn in hell or where ever your religion will send us.

and of course if your a beleiver who has second thoughs about if supernatural beings really exist this list is a good place to try and resolve those issues.

our members will show you how to think logically about religion just like you do about all other areas of life. that you must apply logic and reason to religion and not beleive things on faith and faith alone.

to join

  1. send an e-mail to

  2. you will receive an e-mail from asking if you really want to join. when you reply to the e-mail you will become a member of the listserver.

  3. once your a member will send you a 2nd message telling you your a member. (but it will be a few minutes after you get the message before you actually are made a member and can post and receive messages)

to post messages to the group after joining send your message to

if you want to stop receiving messages and be removed from the list server send a message to

or you can also join and quit at

mike ross
arizona secular humanists - lp
jan 5, 2000

1 - the - lp means minus linda and paul. thats minus linda chapman and paul putz. our articles of incorporation ban linda chapman and paul putz from joining or group or attending any of our meetings

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