

Brigid's Song
(Also can be sung to Enya's "Marble Halls")

Dear Brigid, Fair Brigid
I ask thee to hear
This prayer I sing to you.
Dear Brigid, Fair Brigid
Abide and Be near
as I lift my voice to you.
In the heart of the healer,
The hand of the craft
The song that the Singer Sings
Pay honor and homage
In spirit of Thanks
To All of these Gifts you bring.

I have felt the stirrings
of Seed from within
So, I sing before you now.
From my hands in the Earth
To my voice in the air,
I pledge this solemn vow:
By the grace of the Goddess
The strength of my bones,
In my soul, your Echo Rings.
Dear Brigid, Fair Brigid
By night, and by morn,
It's to you my pledge to sing.
Bright Brigid, Sweet Brigid
Your Echo will Ring!
To Brigid, I pledg-ed
To you, I sing!

-- Chris M.

The Mother Sings To Me

I come to the edge.
The gorge springs into view.
The tundra drops away.
My mind is stilled.
I forget to breathe.
My heart races faster.

There’s a point
Where vastness passes
Beyond comprehension
And becomes scenery.
Described and admired,
Not felt.

A giant, quiet,
Deep chorus fills me.
A tone I’ve not heard since.
A song, A note of vastness
on the edge of abstraction.
But still immediate.

Dreams of flight
o’ertake me.
I look to the mountains
Distant and pink
in the alpenglow,
across the spectacular valley,
and down at the gorge.

A wordless epiphany
Is planted, growing gently

I remember the Note,
and I am there.

By Michael Barkley

My Lady Moon

Road weary and alone
I parked beneath a Rowan tree
To walk, to stretch, to watch the Moon’s rising
My Lady Moon clothed in veils of woven cloud
Her light lay like a sword upon the waters
And the stars hung from the trees like radiant fruit
The grasses were green flames
Dancing with the swaying breeze
While the wild rose sang with fragrant cadence
Then I heard the screech of wheels
Parting worlds that once were one
Ripples from road tossed gravel
Scattered the sword of light
But headlights
Caught a fleeting form
And so I knew
Though I could not take up the sword
Nor pluck a starry fruit
I knew at least there must be Elves
My Lady Moon clothed in veils of woven cloud
Her light lay like a sword upon the waters
And the stars hung from the trees like radiant fruit

By Ivo Domínguez, Jr. ©

The Sidhe Stir

I stand where the Maimed King did battle
The Land lies barren and bare
Dire wolves howl and bone chimes rattle
A poxed Moon poisons the air
I stand where the Goddess lies bleeding
The blind fool walks in a rage
Her cries go with out heeding
My heart goes clothed in a cage
But now I will stand for it no more
But now I will stand for it no more
Now this cycle is ending
Love has filled me to the core
Now Dark and Light my heart are mending
The World's health we will restore
For magic is afoot
The Goddess is awaken and the Sidhe stir from under the Hill
Respect is due the Lady of the Lake
And the Dancer by the rill
The Wheel turns again
The Moon still circles round
And the Sidhe stir from under the Hill
Our hearts are the treasures we've unbound
So live and love we will
So live and love we will
So live and love
So mote it be

By Ivo Domínguez, Jr. ©

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