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Once upon a midnight dreary...
If Edgar Allan Poe had a computer, poetry

For those who view life and feel disillusioned by it, and believe you have good reason to frown, for the world seems intent on dragging you down. Sometimes it's the little things that happen to you that make such a huge difference in your life. Sometimes a flower can help. After all, people send flowers to cheer each other up all the time.

Snoring can be a problem sometimes, especially if you're so lould that you wake yourself! Glad I don't have that problem. However, if you're a heavy sleeper and snore heavy also, it could be interesting when you wake up in the morning! snoring!

Public Speaking! Just the mere mention of that makes some people cringe. For some people it can be a really scary experience. Sometimes, you just need a little guidance and sometimes you should take that guidance with a bit of moderation. Moderation is the key. Not everyone knows that, therefore we gain experience from our mistakes and so did this Priest!

Darkon is a Live Action Medieval Wargaming Reenactment group that is a ton of fun! We meet every other Sunday for battles and have campouts every now and then. Check out the new Darkon web site for more details. Darkon

In the world of Darkon, there's a country called Mordom. Mordom is one of the largest and most powerful nations in the realm. Mordom used to be located in the cold upper north however, the world of Darkon is expanding and it is now located near the Darkon equator! (Talk about Global Warming) The Lord General Keldar is the fearless leader of the Mordomian Army, and his lands and castle lie in The Northern March originated in the top northern reaches of Mordom. Due to many victories in land searches, The Northern March is now the center point of Mordom. Mordom has many projects that they are currently pressuring. One such worth mentioning here is the Bonsai Elf National Forest. They have taken large numbers of Elves and wrapped them in copper wire, planted them in pots, bent and twisted them into Bonsai Tree shapes. Check out the NEW Mordom web site: Mordom

Psyfearia is a character of mine that I play in Darkon. She is currently petitioning Mordom for membership. I think that my character history is neat, so if your interested in reading it: Psyfearia's History

Beer tends to be an important aspect of Mordom. Most of the land is used to grow beer. One of the Mordom slogans is "Bier ist Essen". It's rumored that Mordom has wandered over to other Darkonian camps and yelled, "Beer is Food". Much to the delight or dismay depending on the hour, there is immediate consumption of said liquid by all Mordomians. Also, if you happen to say a 3 or more syllable word, you must partake of your beverage. It can get to be pretty interesting telling people they have to drink of which word! (( I believe the theory behind this is if you can speak with such long words after hours you are obviously too sober for a campout )) Check out this page in honor of Mordomian Beer: an animated background, some browsers may have trouble with it, if it works it's VERY cool: Bier Prayer for challenged browsers, try this: Bier Alternative Darkon and Mordom do not endorse, or support the consumption of alcohol during "play time". However, if you are of legal drinking age and drink responsible you may drink at campouts after the game has officially ended in your own campsite.

The Unofficial and Unwritten Mordomian Moral Code of Conduct is presented here. Mordomians don't have established rules and regulations that they follows. The art of going by tradition and precedents is used more often than not: Mordomian's Morals

What's so special about a day anyway, especially July 14th. A day is just like any other day, or maybe not.
Curious... find out... July the 14th

My Friend's Pages:

Ivy LeafEidesche has been working slowly at her page for a while now. It's under construction -- but that's no biggie -- it's always under construction. She loves Q's and if you find any cool Q's please send them to me -- Thanks! -- Eidesche's Page

Richard is in Morgantown attending West Virginia University. He's pressuring his English Ph.D. and teaching ninth grade English. Ehew, I say! If you would like to know more about him or his interests in the Old Norse language, Aikido martial art, or the Jyhad game. Check out: The Shocking Horror of Rich Page.

Imbedded traces of Griffins lead back to ancient Asia and Hebrew texts. The Regal and Magnificent Griffin has been used to symbolize many different things such as superbia (arrogant pride). If you would like to learn a bit more about Griffins than you probably ever wanted to know, or not, check out: Griffin Page

wishes And last, but not least, I would like to leave you with a few words of wisdom from an old Oriental man, Confucious ...

next email me links

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