of Jim Lancaster's Web Site

My Travels
In addition to most of the United States and parts of Canada and Mexico, I've traveled to Japan, New Zealand, Europe and the Middle East (including five trips to Israel).

European Vacation Planning
If you're planning a trip to Europe (or another destination), I've written an article on European vacation planning using the internet. It describes how I planned a 25-day trip through England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, and Germany. You might find this article helpful.

Favorite Travel Destination: Jerusalem
I've been to Jerusalem five times. Read about two of the visits in my trip reports:

The Biblical Archaeology Review published a letter about our last visit to Jerusalem in 1995.

Travel Page Virtual Photo Gallery

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, all photos are by James E. Lancaster and are Copyright 1998. Also, each photo opens as a separate web page.



The Cotswolds

Travel Slide Talks
I do a lot of travel photography and give travel-related slide talks as one of my hobbies.

Favorite Travel Web Sites

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Last updated 9/16/99

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