In Search of
Solutions: Religions and Conflict
I am contracted with Equinox
for a book on religion
and conflict. With others, I concede
that religion is a factor in many conflicts. I disagree with some that religion is better
at fostering peace than fuelling war, contending that it is rather good at the
latter. I argue that religion all too easily
lends itself to support an ‘us-against-them’ attitude and that, while economics
and other causes are usually at the root of conflict (that is, religion is not
the main cause) it is dishonest to claim that religion is not a significant
contributor. On the other hand, I do not
think that many conflicts would cease were religion to be subtracted. Some humanists argue that religion should be
abolished (and will die off eventually as people realize it is really a malady)
because it causes fanaticism and conflict. I disagree with this diagnosis, preferring a
functional view that religion will only survive and thrive if it fulfils a
valuable role. I do suggest, however, that once pluralist affirming religions
have done their job – created a world society in which want, ignorance, hatred
of the Other has been consigned to the dustbin of history, religion will cease
to be needed, since people will have direct fellowship with God in the hoped
for but not-yet-here Kingdom of Heaven. Using
© Clinton
Bennett 2005