A Journey toward Aquarius

L. A. Brumm


In the beginning there was no time, no dimension, only energy.
Pure Divine Energy, Divine Mind, dreaming of what would and should be.
And Divine Mind/Energy declared "I AM."

Now poured forth the Will and the Wisdom of creation, separate from Divine Mind but still contained within it.
Divine Mind saying
Divine Will, the Father, the Lawgiver, the Divine Life Force, knowing
Divine Wisdom, the Creative Mother, the Sophia, the All Soul, full of the knowledge of

From this perfect division of pure energy Wisdom drew forth a limitless pool of substance, pulsing with the power of self, but still chaotic.
It was Chaos with Divine Order at its core.

And the Spirit of "Divine Mind/Energy" moved around and through the creation of itsWill and its Wisdom and knew that it WAS good.
But it was not yet complete.

Then "I Am" said:
and "Light" was
This Divine Light of the Creator,
the Word of Divine Mind,
poured forth through Divine Will and Wisdom and merged with the chaos.
Stability entered substance and Creation was complete

It was a creation of
pure and unconditional.

Now Substance,
ordered by Mind
following Law
formed by Wisdom
cohered by Divine Light
The one side became the "Earth"
the matter from which stars are born
This is the realm of time and space,
A temporary place.

The other side of Divine Substance became the "Heavens",
that which is "above",
"a timeless realm" and one of permanence.
From this aspect of Divine Mind, LOVE flows.
From here Divine Life is bestowed upon all things living.


This model may seem to differ from the idea of the Trinity, first put forth by early Christians sometime in the second century, but in fact it only expresses the idea in a different way. The pattern here is more in keeping with QABALAH and the Tree of Life.

The primary source of creation did not "split" into three parts, but rather sent forth three "forces."
These three "forces" or "energies" are coexistent with it.

Divine mind is still dominant and the matrix upon which Will and Wisdom,
the "HANDS OF GOD," the formers of the "Heavens" and the "Earth", move and shape the dream of the "I Am."
The "LIGHT" permeates the whole and brings completeness.
Recognizing this Divine LIGHT/LOVE as the direct connection to the Creator is mankind's path to Completion, to "Salvation."
Picture this Light or Word of the Creator as permeating every cell in our bodies in the Temporal realm and at the same time flooding us with the timeless Divine Love that fills the whole, the Earth and the Heavens.

It is my belief that the one we call Jesus had complete understanding of this Divine Light connection.
He allowed himself to become one with it thus becoming the Master of Masters.
He told us that we can do the same.

Thirty two years ago, during meditation, I was made aware that in the whole of Creation there is only one true "Law" and that law is Unconditional Love.
All other so called "laws of nature" are subservient to this Divine Love.
If we can yield ourselves completely to this Law of One, we will have "control" over all other "Laws."

Keep in mind that the above is a model of my concept of creation.
I owe much of my present understanding to the writings of numerous authors. Years of study and meditation have led me to this conclusion.

Throughout history there have been many "models" of the Universe and they have continually changed as mankind gains a better understanding of the "forces" of creation.
Two thousand years ago the accepted model of our universe had the stars, the sun, and the planets revolving around the earth.
Any disagreement with this idea was considered heresy.
Those who tried to put forth any concept to the contrary were dealt with severely by the Church powers.
Full recognition to the present picture of our solar system was not given, at least in western culture, until about three hundred and fifty years ago.

As knowledge has advanced many ideas of learned people have fallen by the wayside, to be modified or replaced by new discoveries, new "models."
Past history dictates that these too shall be altered and changed as presently unknown "subtle energies" are discovered and proved.

It may be that the complete picture of Creation will never be perfectly painted by those of us bound in the physical realms.
We all need to start our spiritual journey somewhere. The above could be a reasonable place to begin the "Search for the Sword of Truth."

Decisions as to what is Spiritual Truth is the responsibility of each individual and depends on where they stand along the Path.
No one else has the right to tell that individual they are wrong in their spiritual understanding.
Not agreeing with a particular model is a given right. Judgement of it is not.
Only cleverness is required to be an iconoclast. It takes wisdom to replace what has been torn down with something better.

Many injustices have been imposed by religious and scientific "Authorities" upon some thinkers who proposed concepts that seemed to differ from what was the accepted.
Rigid interpretation can often lead to error.

Spiritual truth is truly Universal. We do not, of ourselves, "learn" anything in our quest. In reality we have recognized it, since all Divine Knowledge is deep within us.
However, the degree of recognition is dependent on where we are on the "Path." To be smugly content that we "know" the truth is a danger.
As the great writer T.H. Huxley once (mis)quoted, " A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
Here is the original verse by Alexander Pope from his "An Essay on Criticism."

A LITTLE learning is a dangerous thing:
DRINK DEEP, or taste not of the Pierien spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.

Never stop asking questions in your private prayers and meditation times. The answers will come if you "Listen with your Heart."



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