
The reasons are most likely as varied as the people who undertake such a task.

For someone who knew zero about the use of HTML, it's been an awsome learning experience.
Construction on duama's page has been going on since Feb. of '98.
The work is still in progress.
The help available is remarkable. And it's largely free.

If you stop to consider that all this information on the zillions of individual web sites around the world takes hour upon hour of work to accomplish, you wonder about it even more.

There's something else too

The modest offering here in "duama" land occupies a little over 1.3 MEGABYTES storage space on a computer somewhere out there. I guess I'd better learn how to save it to my hd.

If our planet was smacked by a comet or meteor all these hours of energy are zip.

A huge outpouring of electromagnetic particles from the sun could damage info on the computers affected.

During a major earthquake in California a number of years ago the shake, rattle and roll of the event damaged a lot of hard drives that were up and running.

Do people build these sites from ego? sure, sometimes.
this is an awful lot of sheer effort just to salve an ego.

Building your own web pages is a bit like "sculpting in ice."
The sun comes out and there goes your work.

There are commercial sites on the Internet that will pay off.
But for the sheer joy of dealing with html just to get your ideas "out there" is more of a driven thing.

The WWW contains some garbage, true. That's the problem of that type of thinker, not all of us.

In most every case people who compile pages like these in duama's place do so because there's a passion to share ideas. To put forth alternative views about who "we the people" really are.

In most cases 'webbers' seeking things of the "Spirit" will praise rather than ridicule anothers work.

As Bob Dylan sang, "THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN" and fast.

So writers just embrace the "WEB", because it's there.
This medium is a strong voice in society.
If you have the urge to see your stuff "in print", jump on in.
You may get a headache but you won't drown.

Geocities is a great place to start your own web-pages and it's free.
As long as you don't use it for selling products.

A good place for free help is

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