Whose arm rest is this? Why do designers of cinema, and tube train seats place just one arm rest between every seat, and why has no convention/etiquette ever been formed? Let us now study this phenomenon and try to come to some conclusions. Lets begin by trying to work out a universal system that will allow all parties concerned to be happy. If we take a row of chairs, and begin with the left-most chair, then let us start by saying that person A, who sits here may use the arm rest to their left and call it their own. They may not use the right hand rest - this would be rude and greedy. The person next to them, person B must use the arm rest to the right of A, for they sit to the right of A and will also take the arm rest to the left of them. This procedure is repeated all the way down the row, until we get to the other end of the row. And then - catastrophe, person Z let us call them, at the other end of the row now has the arm rest to their left and a spare one to their right! This is clearly unfair, person Z may now lounge in maximum comfort. Person Y seeing this may become angry and opt to take on person Z for the ownership of the arm rest to his right. A chain effect may follow and next thing we know we have anarchy. Another anarchic scenario occurs when a row is not filled sequentially from A to Z but instead fills from both ends simultaneously. Person Z sits and opts to call the right arm rest his own, whilst at the other end of the row person A has opted for the left. As the spaces between A and Z fill a conflicting system is travelling from each end, until they meet in the middle and person M perhaps finds that he has two arm rests and a similar meltdown as described above occurs. A whole host of other disasters are possible, imagine person L for instance sitting in an empty row, seeing no harm in having both arm rests. Then the other chairs fill and - well need I say more. Of course the most common scenarios are not as elaborate as these, they usually consist of sitting in a seat and trying very politely to offer a small bit of both arm rests to your neighbours on both sides, only to find that they do not share the same levels of courtesy and instead opt to take over the rests, pushing you onto a minuscule bit at the edge and giving you an annoying amount of personal contact for a stranger, and apparently being oblivious to this. Or you sit down, find yourself to be in a fairly satisfactory arm rest allocation scenario, then you lean forward to get something out of your coat, and when you lean back you have been guzumped to the tune of two rests, now you are rest-less, but you feel it would be petty, not to mention embarrassing to mention this state of affairs, so you sit and suffer in silence, ruining the film that you are watching or making the train journey last forever. Something must be done. A public education programme must be initiated before its too late. Act now! Make announcements whenever you find seating of this type. Take on the responsibility of being spokesperson for the row, rise up and say in a loud, clear voice: "Ladies & Gentleman, I suggest we all opt for the left rest convention as proposed by the Packed Lunch Party, and that the person who is right-most, in the true spirit of the Packed Lunch Treaty, abstains from right arm rest use!" I feel sure that this will be appreciated and indeed welcomed. Please Note: Pilchard & Hula Hoop Packed Lunch Party will not accept responsibility for any injuries that may occur as the result of becoming a Chair Arm Warrior. |