last changed 23 December 2005

Dungeons & Dragons

As you can see, this page discusses Dungeons & Dragons — specifically, my experience with it over the last 25 years.

If you don't know what D&D is and ignorance is bliss, or if you don't like D&D, then it's not too late to click the Back button. Quickly, before I accidentally eat your soul!

Campaign Notes

I've played in a lot of campaign settings, but I have a couple of recent and long–time favorites. Most of my gaming time goes into the Forgotten Realms, but I've also spent some time in d20 Future.

Dungeons & Dragons
Indices of Sourcebooks.
Forgotten Realms campaign notes.
Adanak Lithor campaign notes.
d20 Modern/Future
d20 Modern and d20 Future notes.


Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons.
Buy it all at GameOutfitter, SVGames, DriveThruRPG, trollandtoad.com, or iconusa.com.
Designer Sites
Eric Boyd, Jim Butler, Andy Collins, Monte Cook, Sean Reynolds.
Artist Sites
Todd Lockwood, Raven Mimura, Tony DiTerlizzi.
While it's not technically an Artist Site in the sense that it didn't provide any artwork for D&D products, this list would not be complete without Elfwood.
Dork Tower, Nodwick.
Reaper Miniatures.
Fan Sites
Third–Edition — www.3rdedition.org, EN World.
Dark Sun — The Burnt World of Athas.
Planescape — Jenkin's Planescape, Planewalker.
Gaming Groups & Individuals — GM Mastery, Guild of Explorers, J E Thetford, Panther's AD&D Page.
Odds & Ends
Wikipedia entries for role–playing game, d20 System, and D&D.
An advertisement of particular interest to gamer geeks.
Dice — Chessex, Crystal Caste, Gamescience, Q–Workshop, and the offbeat Advancing Hordes.
Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach.
Game Master Helper Links — an extensive list of sites, from game producers to mailing lists to homegrown campaigns.
Name generator: Everchanging Book of Names.
ProFantasy — makers of the Campaign Cartographer software.
Silven Publishing.