Well, let's plunge into the world of Tarot, at least as I have
experienced it. If any of my methods are not in accord with others you have
studied - good, cause I just love to be different. Tarot is a most personal
tool and I would advise any newcomers to persist in creating a personal
relationship with thier deck. Basic instruction for beginners is helpful,
but eventually - your aim is to "see significance" in "your"
cards and "feel relationships". So while you learn, read about
the experiences of others, try out differing methods and eventually build
your own personal relationship.
A few bits of advice before we continue any further...
There are some places where it is illegal to provide services
regarding divinations...uhm, like the state I live in...doh! We can get
all upset about this or we can understand it as a necessary by-product of
our society. Appreciate that we make some laws to mainly protect the "innocent
and unaware". Some of these laws are still in place because - there
are still untrained or unethical persons taking advantage of the "innocent
and unaware".
Well, I used to test my Tarot skills on my girlfriends for practise
and we all had a few giggles, we also experienced those "jaw dropping"
occassions when something "secret" would reveal itself. I've got
to say, I held back things I saw in the cards that I witnessed eventually
come to pass - and these experiences plunged me into a new phase of spiritual
and psychic maturation. Many questions presented, dilemmas actually; do
you tell your girlfriend her guy is flirting with another? Do you speak
up when you see death coming in the cards? This is the type of challenge
you'll run into when you become involved in divinatory arts for others;
which is why Tarot, along with other methods of divination are usually incorporated
into training regimes "within" the occult community, to assure
that spiritual ethics, are also taught along with the techniques of the
art. Consider discussing these things with your HPS and HP. You may find
as I have - that you prefer to limit your services to your close friends
and healing group.
You can utilise Tarot cards for divinatory purposes, as meditative
tools and magickal tokens.
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