Some photos of so-called Palestinian 'Demonstrators'

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Palestinian Killer Kids - Note the size of the rocks these kids are throwing.
People have been seriously injured and killed by rocks that size.

Think about this.  If this were your city and you were under attack by these kids
would you want the Police to protect you?

These are the so-called innocent victims of Israeli violence!

This photo was taken in Jerusalem, near the Temple Mount, by Evelyn Hockstein, a Reuters photographer, on Friday, April 6, 2001.
This Palestinian child was arrested by the Israeli police, in his fear - he wet his pants.

How pathetic, poor little child - why on earth would the Israeli's arrest an 'innocent child' like this?

The photo is being used by the Palestinians in their propaganda campaign.

But this photo taken by another Reuters photographer, Natalie Behring, just a few minutes before he was arrested shows why. Look closely at the child in the middle of the photo. Yes its the same boy, he wasn't afraid as he threw those rocks at the Police.


Teaching young Terrorists
Kids are put at risk by the PLO.



Part 2 Intifada Pictures

Two Jewish Soldiers Lynched

Rachel Corrie Palestinian Propaganda