RAVENHEADER.jpg (70479 bytes)      


M.jpg (9777 bytes)erry meet and Brightest Blessings...

Welcome to my page. Hope all you see here is helpful, peaceful and brings you some knowledge.

  I would like to thank everyone for their help along the way. To both of my brothers' and freinds as well.

Careful in all you wish for and remember always never be afraid of what all may be there.

Caring about other peoples' needs and being there when your freinds need you is one rule to follow.

Also follow the rule of three.


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Sign My Guestbook      guestboo.gif (20400 bytes)      Read My Guestbook



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Earth Awareness...We only have one...take care of her!



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To the Mother Goddess and Father God...

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And the Faery Folk...

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Enjoy my journey of Ritual & Candle Magicks

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My reverance for the Elements

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Some reading for the Sabbats & Esbats

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Always follow the rule of three

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wicaward2.jpg (13096 bytes)   Hello Everyone...Hey Look! I won my first award.   I was       nominated for the "Wiccan Awareness Award" and I  won!       Hope everyone enjoys my page... Brightest Blessings everyone. May the peace of the God and  Goddess be with you always 



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