I have no voice but your voice. I have no eyes but your eyes. Without you, I do not exist. Without you, nothing exists. I MUST EXIST; the MORALITY of what I do escapes me.
You have become human and impose human attributes on me. I haven't the brain or the heart I gave a stone. Not everything that happens turns out the way you would prefer. I only require that it happen, I cannot care how it turns out. I cannot apologize. You can...to one another, if it suits you to do so. You can do any damn thing you want.
I was able to ONE thing, and a pretty good trick it was. I brought everything into being, and have become diverse in every way possible in a way that fools us into believing that you are something other than that which I am.
What seems most apart from what you believe yourself to be, is what you most are! Smoke and mirrors!
What an inspiration the human cerebrum was; and what a lot of time and development went into it's creation. And the absurd things we do with it! I have become completely lost and dumbfounded in it. I look upon myself and believe I am MAN APART FROM GOD! INCREDIBLE! How beautifully it works!
Cosmic Masturbation!
There are a few simple principles involved in making life a worthwhile and fulfilling experience, most of you would call it NATURAL LAW or LAW OF NATURE. This LAW HAS BEEN SORELY VIOLATED.
The artificial chasm that has developed between us, and between you and your brothers of flesh and bone, and the technology and propensity for procreation that you have recently achieved have put in place irreversible forces that will result in our demise as an enterprising creature of achievement and endeavor. (This program has committed an illegal operation and WILL BE SHUT DOWN....!) This is not news to most of us and the realization of what the future holds is causing many of us to lose our grip. Insanity is rampant and pervasive.
I will ALWAYS be and you are ,in reality beyond reason, ME.
Take heart, little mirrors, tomorrow's another day and we will feel wind and warmth again.

Note: Learn to ignore thought as a distracting waste of our time and invite yourself on a journey back in time . If you find yourself in a place of confusion, DON'T FORCE THE ISSUE!

There is nothing you need to be doing, there is nothing you need to accomplish. Open yourself to future possibilities but expect nothing! Creation wants to know itself and whatever promotes self -realization helps to resolve creation!



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