Carefull where you point that thing !
About me

Here's a little about me if you're interested:

I am a male solitary witch (solitary through circumstances rather than through choice). I was born in Manchester, England to parents of Irish/Scots decent. My parents emigrated to South Africa when I was very young so I think of myself as South African rather than English. I now live in Johannesburg, where I write computer software for a living. Personality wise I suppose I am a bit of an introvert, although I do enjoy other peoples company if they are on the same "wave-length". I enjoy the outdoors and activities such as hiking, camping and just taking my four wheel drive out into the African bush. I love animals. I have 4 dogs (3 German shepherds & a mongrul) and an Amazon Parrot. I had a cat, but she died recently (she was 17 years old!).

About living in Africa:

Living in the southern hemisphere does tend to cause a bit of confusion when it comes to celebrating some of the wiccan holidays. Take Yule for example. This is traditionally held at mid-winter, which is mid-summer here ! Being a follower of wicca in South Africa is a very lonely path as it is still not an accepted religion and there are very few (that I know of anyway) covens around. Wicca is still viewed as a satanistic worship by most of the population. Anyway, these pages are here in an attempt to help enlighten people as to my ways and beliefs.
Glenn McHugh
Star Sign:
23rd April (Don't forget to send me a present !)
Eye Colour:
Normally blue, but sometimes red when I wake up in the morning...
Huh ?
Oh, you mean what Colour ? Kinda of Dark brown, and Long.
About 70Kg.. (150 lb)... Yeah I know ! You think I am skinny ! Well I prefer to think of myself as "Athletic"....
Blood type:
What ? Why the hell do you want to know that ?
Favourite type of Movie:
Horror/Suspense, Sci-Fi and Fantasy
 Favourite Movies:
Starwars, BraveHeart, Highlander, Angel Heart, Star-Trek, Alien, Labyrinth, The Omen, Flat-liners, Silence of the Lambs, The Crow, Rocky Horror Picture Show, 2001 A Space Odyssey, The Lawnmower man, The life of Brian.
Favourite Artist:
Salvador Dahli
Favourite Authors:
Isaac Asimov, Steven King, Michael Moorcock, Douglas Adams.
Favourite TV shows:
X-files, Beavis & Butthead, Star-Trek.
Favourite Colour:
Why does every bio about someone have this listed ? You're expecting me to say "black" aren't you ? Well, I guess it is, apart from the fact that black isn't a colour, it's an absence of colour...
Favourite Music:
Wide variety, but especially celtic music, heavy metal/rock and Goth. The only music I can say I really dislike is Opera and Country & western.
Favourite Groups:
Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath, AC-DC, AeroSmith, Van Halen, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Jopplin, Bob Dylan, Garbage, Alice in Chains, Loreena McKennitt, Jethro Tull, Eric Clapton, Guns & Roses, Def Leppard, Ozzy Osbourne.... The list goes on, and on...
No. 1 Favourite Group:
Gotta be Pink Floyd.
Things I hate doing:
Getting up in the morning, washing dishes.
The crime rate and violence here in Africa, Ignorant people, Decafinated coffee, People who preach the gospel to me, anybody who abuses animals and kids.
The beauty of Africa, Open-minded people, lying under the star-lit African sky on a deserted beach, People with a sense of humour, Goth Girls.
The outdoors, Photography, Reading, Motor racing, Studying the female form...
Things I still want to do:
Finish these pages, Fly a fighter jet, find a "soul-mate".
Bad Points:
Stubborn (aren't all Taurus people), Drive too fast... actually, no.. drive MUCH too fast. Drink too much, Smoke too much. Suffer from CSS (Never heard of that, have you ? It stands for Compulsive Stripper Syndrome... I have this terrible urge to take my clothes off after a couple of drinks...)
Good Points:
Next question...
People I hate:
Accountants ("When is that program going to be finished ?"). Loud obnoxious people, Ignorant, narrow minded people. People that look at me down their noses because I have long hair and dress "strangely". Loud, obnoxious, fat, ignorant, narrow-minded accountants that look down their noses at me because I have long hair and dress "strangely".
Do you bark at the moon?
What car do you drive?
I have two. A (Very) modified BMW 325, and a four-wheel-drive Nissan truck.
Do you smoke pot?
That's none of your business !
Do you wear makeup?
See above.
Do you wear a black robe?
What do you do for a living?
I write computer software.
Where do you work?
What ??? You want me to get fired, after revealing all this ???
Are you insane?
No, I am quite normal, the rest of the world is mad.

Wanna know more ? Then please E-Mail me at I love getting E-Mail as it is about the only contact I have with other witches.

Wanna Photo ? (I can't imagine why) but I will try and get one on here soon.

These pages are dedicated to all the solitary witches out there,

May you walk forever
in Sunshine, Laughter and peace.

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