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Darksites top 100 web pages. A lot of Goth, Vampire and Pagan sites here. If you use the index at the top and click on "Dark Sites" and then click on "Pagan Souls", you will get a list of homepages on the darksites server.
They also offer free space on their server if you want to build your own homepage.

Another top 100 listing. You have to dig around a bit in amongst some of the silly "Satanic" sites, but there are quite a few good sites listed here.

Tarot Links.
Excellent Tarot readings from Facade.
Online Tarot course and descriptions - really good..

Pagan Graphics and Art.
Witch Way Graphics. - Some really stunning stuff.
Pixel Witch Graphics - some nice icons and images.

Pagan Greeting Cards.
Ashlynn's Grove. - Send a free electronic greeting card to someone.
KaraGrim Creations. - More free electronic greeting cards.

Biblical Fallacies.
Harrington Sites. - Revealing the spiritual duality of the bible. Wow ! You have to go read some of this ! It gives proof that a lot of the bible is made up of false translations, contradictions and forgeries.

Dowload Sonique MP3 player. (Great MP3 player !)

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