Method 1
Go into your study and look at the shelves of books.
Find a book that relates to your problem. Don't forget, you have a book
on everything you can imagine somewhere in you study. Take the book to
your desk and open it up. Start reading. Sounds too illogical to work ?
The only thing I can say is that you have to try it before you can say
it doesn't work. Think of it as a way of being able to access your sub-conscious
mind, after all you might already know the solution to your problem you
just don't remember it. Then again, maybe its psychic or telepathic powers.
Its probably not worth trying to figure out how it works as long as you
believe that it will work.
Method 2
Some kind of health related problem ? Follow the
same steps as you did in method 1, but this time look for that really large
book on herbal remedies. Find the page that relates to your ailment. Now
follow the recipe by collecting all the herbs etc. from your bottles of
supplies and mixing them together (you might like to add a pestle and mortar
to your laboratory inventory). When you have finished, drink the mixture.
Method 3
Having trouble with the first two methods ? Try
this one. Go into the other room you created earlier. Sit down and think
of someone (living or dead) that would be an authority on the problem you
have. (e.g., Einstein if you had a mathematical problem) Concentrate on
this person for a while and then invite them into your house. Yes, that's
right they are waiting at the doorway ! Invite them to come and sit down
with you and maybe offer them a glass of wine. Explain in detail to this
person exactly what your problem is and how you are hoping that they can
be of assistance. That's all there is to it. All you have to do now is
listen to what they say. Remember one thing though, don't ask silly or
irrelevant questions or the other person may well just leave, and you are
going to have lot of explaining to do to them next time you want to invite
them in. Be sure to thank them before they leave.