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Talk to me...

I've been talking forever about adding more "interactivity" to this website, and here's a step towards that. In fact this form serves two purposes. One, it allows you the person who might make a comment about this website, but doesn't want to e-mail me, to make that comment easily. Two, it puts my big talk about a punk community into a little bit of action. Sure, I can preach about the punk community being equal and now I am a least trying to be easily accessable as well.

Would you like to see interviews in Diet Society?

Have you purchased a print copy of Diet Society?

Would you like Diet Society to have e-mail notification of when the website is updated (this won't put your e-mail on a list, this is just inquiring whether or not we actually have an e-mail notification list in the future)?

Do you find this site easy to navigate?


If you had a navigation problem, found a spelling or formatting error, this next section is for you. First select the page from the drop down menu, and then in the box below that, describe the error.

Describe the problem here:
Praise? Jeers? A piece of mind that you can spare?

Care to submit your e-mail? (It won't be used to send you spam.)
After clicking on the (s)end report button, nothing will happen, don't worry I'm (hopefully getting you e-mail and will respond to you). Just wait a second or two, then go somewhere else. Like to the store to buy a soda. Or some other portion of the website.

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Feel free to e-mail the webastard at: