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I always loved hearing about a good prank that was generally harmless to people. Of course, if you do pranks, don't blame us if you take these ideas and get caught. It's not our problem if you can't distinguish between an article on pranks and an article that advocates pranking. About five or six months ago, I put on the main page of the site a call for pranks to be submitted. Here's the first few...
From "Melek Taus"

What my friends and I did at easter was carry a person dressed as the easter bunny on a cross, through an Xtian parade. Because nothing happened as a result of it, why not do it again at christmas but with santa. If enough people do this at Xmas celebrations it would look cool.

Or (I know its been done) sneak into council offices and replace their answerphone tapes with Echonian Keys or Communist manifesto on cassette.

From "Wage Gap"

When the Gap stores ran a window dressing for the "White T-Shirt -perfect for everyone" we made 8.5" X 11" stickers with "White Culture- perfect for everyone" on them. Then we plastered the store front with them.

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