The Book Review

Instructions for Preparing Your Book Review: Every student in Anth 3511 is required to write a review of a book concerning the archaeology of native North Americans. The review should be 2-3 pages in length (typed, double-spaced). It is due in class on March 6. The review should include the following: 1. A brief summary of the book (e.g., the time period covered, the area, its main objectives). 2. A discussion of the principal issue(s) addressed. 3. Your assessment of the author's approach and conclusions. A good place to begin in selecting a book is Fagan's Bibliography and the Further Reading section at the end of each chapter. If the book is checked out of the library (consult LUMINA), browse through the book's general location in the library for a suitable substitute. Read the book you select through fairly quickly to get a general idea of what it is about and the issue(s) addressed. Then read the book more carefully with the three items listed above in mind. What geographic area is the book about? What time period? Is the book a general review of this area and time period or does it focus on particular cultures? What kinds of issues does the author focus on (e.g., adaptation, technology, culture change, social organization)? It may help to relate your ideas in items 2 and 3 above to the lectures and to the assigned readings. You might also find it useful to consult American Antiquity and/or regional journals for reviews of the book. Your book review should be neat, systematically organized, and thoughtful.


Due March 6, 1998

Structure of the Book Review

1. What the book is and the focus and scope of the book, date of publication, publisher, etc.

2. Major development of the article, no critical comment, 2 to 4 paragraphs about what the content is. This is a review, not a critique.

3. Evaluation (not necessarily nasty) critical appraisal. How useful is the book for certain purposes.

4. Why should we read it, or not read it.

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