Diddie's Stories!

This is another little story I wrote... hope you like it! :o)


By Diddie

       Dawn rises on the town of  Moorshum, the golden beams falling on it's 
inhabitants, who are already scurrying about on their daily tasks. At a 
closer look, we see one house in particular, not different from any of the 
other houses in appearance, but wildly different in contents. Inside we see, 
just like with the other houses, a family of fairy folk, running in and out 
of the hollowed mushrooms that they call home. The family, being somewhat
typical, consists of a grandmother, a mother, a father, and an array of 
children ranging from newborn to adult, some of them with spouses and 
children of their own. Now is where we will see what is so uncommon about 
this family.In the center of the floor sits a fairy girl of about 13 years, 
seemingly in meditation. A bluish aura surrounds her, shimmering and fading 
into a myriad of different colors. If we were to look inside her head, we 
would see something no fairy had ever seen before; the top view of a spiral 
galaxy. Looking closer, and to the right, we can see a solar system. 
It contains nine planets orbiting a single yellow star. The third planet 
from the sun is like a blue-green spherical jewel. White whisps of clouds 
float underneath a blue aura. Beneath the clouds, there is a layer of 
fog-like substance which, if we were to float in the midst of it, would make 
us choke. Beneath that, we see the city of New York. Little vehicles 
zoom back and forth, trailing smoke as the setting sun shines down it's 
last light. Looking closer, we see a single brown building amongst many 
like it. On the third floor, in the second living area, we see a typical 
family. A mother pops a pre-packaged meal in the microwave as she listens to
twangy country music. Sitting on a pink bean-bag chair in the center of 
the living-room floor is a human girl of about 13 years, seemingly in 
meditation. A bluish aura surrounds her, pulsating and rippling into a 
myriad of different colors. If we were to look into her head, we would see 
something no human has ever seen before; a grayish mist surrounding 
an iridescent sphere. At a glance inside the sphere, we can see that it 
contains a tiny mushroom village full of fairies. They are all scurrying 
about their daily tasks as dawn slowly asserts itself... 

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