#1 Late night talk show host, Art Bell

Richard Hoagland head of the Enterprise Mission

Whitley Strieber's website

Official site of the A.R.E. Get the quote of the day! Also read the magazine "Venture Inward" online.

The Delphi Association

Noah's Ark Stan Deyo's website.

Robert Ghostwolfe's Wolflodge

Boris Said Producer of documentaries especially around Gizah. Charlton Heston hosted one of them, for example.

A huge website. Spiritweb

Sacred Geometry. Flower of Life Or the Tree of Life. However you wish to call it.

Theosophical Society Blavatsky's work led to this site.

Edgar Cayce on the Hall of Records

Bible Gateway: search the bible

Exploded Planet Hypothesis: Meta Research by Dr. Tom Van Flandern

New Evidence of Artificiality at Cydonia by Tom Van Flandern

Jim Berkland's earthquake prediction page


Tom Bearden's articles

Alice Bailey/Tibetan Master DK

University of the Seven Rays Index


Den of the Immortalis

Elle's Website æ

Natalie's Love & Light

Watch out for cats!

Bunster's astrology and numerology links

Cool-Katz's website

dancingtree's witchcraft mysteries page

Infinite Dreams

Ellie Crystal's homepage. Explore ancient civilizations and much more

The Fishbowl

Koosh's Homepage

Try a new hobby. Play by e-mail Diplomacy.

DP: The Zine Everthing one needs to know can be found here.
