The Elysium Fields


I am still trying to learn how to make a decent web page, but as many of you know, that takes time and energy, neither of which I have. I am trying to work on both of these problems don't give up on me yet!!

Another site to visit in the meantime:

If you want to see a half-way decent web-page of mine, then please visit my Gottfried Keller webpage. WARNING!! It's all in GERMAN!


You might be wondering why the background is all black...especially after you see some of my pages that do have background patterns...I'm sick of the patterns i have stored, and i'm too lazy at the moment to go and find more. So until that moment when the CyberMuse inspires me, this background shall remain black.

For the time being, I will give you some insight into my life. You must care somewhat, you're here, aren't you?

I am into things academic, and otherwise.





Senior Classical League


The Cure

The Tick

Club America

Another project of mine is building a photo gallery within my site. I have the bare beginnings...and it's expanding and improving!! Please do take a look-see!

The Web Project that I am most passionate about working on, however, is my very own memorial tribute to my best friend, Anastasia Elizabeth WitbolsFeugen. She was murdered on October 22, 1997. Also, please visit the "official" memorial tribute site.

One last thing before you go:

Please do take a moment and look at some specimens of my poetry. (i know i'm not good...but i like it.)

In closing, I'd like to invite you to make fun of my webpage. Although, I ask that if you are going to ridiculre my attempt, please take the time to email me and offer advice on making my page better, or give me ideas on what you would like to see on my webpage. I'm pretty flexible about it all. All ideas are welcomed and appreciated.



Please sign the roll book of the Departed.

See those whom are the Inhabitants of the Elysium Fields.